Sunday, October 6, 2019

Absentee Ballots Not Accepted


  1. The left gets the choice of which box will be used for our voting activity. They should choose...wisely

  2. Might's well use the ballot box one more time. We'll see if the election will be free and fair; I have my doubts. The final box remains full, except as contents are burned in regular training. It is then refilled to capacity.
    Boat Guy

  3. Got all my boxes ready to go.

  4. Hey Aesop;

    To me, Voting is a "safety Valve" for the American people. Once that valve is removed, then there will be problems. As long as people believe that they have a say in the body politic, they ain't gonna "flip that switch". Now if the democrats pull a bunch of crap and it is blatant and nothing happens, you will see people fade away out of society and it will start.

  5. Advance polling may be necessary!

  6. When the soap box has been burned,
    the ballot box has been ignored,
    the jury box has been corrupted,
    that leaves...

  7. I really do not see how voting with the ammo box does any good as seems even the dead are allowed to cast votes,but guess you have to try,vote early and often.

  8. Democrats and other would-be tyrants don't seem to understand that the 2nd Amendment protects THEM. Eliminate it, and all protection will be removed. You see, some 500 million firearms are NOT going to just disappear because would-be tyrants, lesbian cat-ladies, pussified males, Moslem terrorists, Communist university professors, so-called "journalists" and the rest of the useful (useless?) idiots of this country want them to go away.

    Oh, and the po-po may possibly go door-to-door if ordered to do so - in some of the larger shitties where the Demonrats have controlled everything for 50+ years and the population is generally not armed too well - but that'll stop when a few dozen are used as bullet backstops by those locals who aren't so enthusiastic about the gun round-up. In the countryside, the cops and military will be on OUR side - and good luck taking anything away in those circumstances. Oh, and if they try, then the inner-shitty mayors are going to have a LOT of fun trying to feed and keep warm (or cool, depending on the time of the year) all of their Turd World residents...because food and fuel deliveries will be the FIRST things targeted by the patriots of this country.

  9. Guerillas? Those are the men of the SAS in '42 or '43 ready to raid a Nazi airfield in Libya. The drum fed guns are Vickers K guns that were originally used by the tail gunner in RAF light bombers of the 1930s. Note how many gas and water cans each Jeep is carrying.


    1. Guerilla came from spanish for "little war".
      There is no connotation to pretend soldiers.
