Tuesday, October 1, 2019

A Little Late, You Feckless Corrupt Bitch


  1. She's TOO Toxic for Office. She's done. They might in the future try to run her daughter, but her - no can handle the stress of office. Everybody knows it, especially the ANTIFA kids who would have to vote for her to win.

  2. For the kids who are too young to remember -

    BJ Clinton turned down an offer of Osama bin Laden's literal head on a literal platter.

    BJ CLinton sold the North Koreans the reactor they are using to make nuclear bombs.

    BJ Clinton sold the Chinese silent submarine propellers.

    BJ Clinton looted post-Soviet Russia, earning us the enmity of Vladimir Putin and friends. While simultaneously encouraging Ukraine to give up all their nuclear weapons. (Look at how well that worked out for them.)

    1. BJ Clinton also sold the Chinese the guidance systems that they now use in their ICBM's through Loral Space Systems. He did this in exchange for campaign contributions. That right there should have been enough not just to impeach and remove him, but also to try and convict him for treason.

  3. She's doing this and other things to distract us.
    Watch the other hand.

  4. For whatever reason, DJT has not seemed to want to go after the Hildebeast. I sincerely hope that with this statement, he decides to go full DJT on her. She makes douchebags look good.

  5. Now, now, now...

    Bill Clinton didn't PERSONALLY sell the Loral ICBM guidance system to China.

    He did have his administration ignore Loral selling it to China, in return for Loral giving some of the money they profited to his campaign. The money never made it directly from China to his bank account. They laundered it through the proper number of cut-outs first, each of which filled their own pockets too. When you are talking about hundreds of millions or even billions, there is plenty of money to skim a pice of.

    Sort of like Hillary asking her campaign to ask a law firm to ask a public relations consultancy to ask a British spy to ask Russian Spymasters to lie about her political opponents. It's OK if you use the proper number of cut-outs and intermediaries, and if you are a Democrat too.

    Especially if you are a Democrat.

