Friday, September 6, 2019

Plenty Of Room On This Bus For New Riders

On the 1MC: "Liberty's Torch, arriving."
" These are the times that try a commentator’s soul...and his patience...and his ever-shrinking time for reading the news. The politicization of everything continues apace. The Left is straining to ensure that every imaginable aspect of human activity is seen first and foremost through a political filter. Consider this list of things the various Democrat candidates for president want to ban. Never fear: anything they’ve left out, they’ll get to once the federal government is once more securely in their hands.
You’d think this would be the perfect grist for a commentator’s mill, wouldn’t you? And from one perspective you’d be quite correct: he who writes about politics, political contests, and public policy is normally delighted by a profusion of such things. But for me at least, it’s gotten to be too much. Yes, I can keep up; I read rapidly, comprehend easily, and have a nearly perfect memory. My problem is that I don’t want to keep up any longer. I want it all to go away and leave me in peace.  
I can’t help wondering whether, in 1775, a majority of the American colonists felt the same. "

The trouble isn't that more and more people are getting on this bus.
In fact, trouble won't come until we get to our stop, and we all decide it's time to get off the bus, and go to work.


  1. Oh I don't know if there will be anyone left on the bus after the Right gets done throwing people under it...Also the last stop on the bus usually is in the camps...

  2. Aesop,
    i wonder if our paths crossed in an ER anywhere in LA County .From Freeman Marina to Pomona Valley. would have been nice to meet you. keep up the good work. You remind me of a PLN i used to know. JPT.

  3. @lineman

    Nah. That's boxcars, not busses.

    1. Oh I think they will be using everything they can especially in the rural areas...

  4. Its gonna get worse, a lot worse, as the election gets closer and closer.
    As the left assimilates the idea that DJT will probably be re-elected, they will become more and more unhinged, wild eyed and rabid in their behavior. Antifa etc. will expand and become more violent, the media will support them and desperately seek out ANY response from the right coloring them as racist, nazi faschists even more vehemently.
    We are in for some interesting times.

  5. Feds Demand Apple And Google Hand Over Names Of 10,000+ Users Of A Gun Scope App

    And they will "reluctantly" comply...

  6. I am like many others. More than ready to get off this bus. BUT. I am Not getting off by myself. So like everyone else, I am waiting for everyone else to get off first.

  7. So the Fedz want to know who downloaded the Obsidian 4 app?
    Hell, channel Gary Oldman and EVERYONE!™ should download it then.

    SWAMP the bureaucraps.

  8. I was overseas for thirty years. Seen the elephant and been through several wars, most of them very dirty. The kind of wars that you don't kiss and make up at the end of them. The kind where the loser had better get his feet moving or he gets planted along with his kin, his business associates, and anyone he ever sent a Christmas card to. Americans have no idea what civil wars are. In South Africa many Jews supported the ANC and thought they'd get a free pass from them come the end of white rule. Surprise guess what happened to them and their businesses? The smart ones like Sol Krischner sold out their interests early and left while the getting was good. The dreamers lost everything and are now are trying to get to Israel-although I doubt the Israelis aren't too keen to have people who supported the ANC inside their gates.

    What do you think happened in Croatian, Bosnia, and the border states and the poor citizens who were outliers? What do you think happened after the Russian Civil Wars, the French Revolution, the Spanish Civil War, the Chinese Civil War? If the USA is forced into a true civil war it will rapidedly break down into a Balkan like war due to "diversity"-doubt me? Trust is the first thing to go where civil order goes. How much trust do you have in the institutions of the government today? How much do you trust the word of an opposing political party, the media, any government agency, any academic, any charity? Once the fighting begins what do you think will happen once order breaks down and food, energy, and the very issue of survival collapses? What will happen in urban areas-hint remember New Orleans during their hurricanes? Multiple that by a hundred, by a thousand. How long are you going to survive once the water stops and the power ends?

    Take a look at Venezuela. This is the future at its first stage, before the collapse. And its coming. Worse, do you thing the Mexicans won't stir the pot, the Russians, the Chinese in the form of sending aid?

  9. 100% agree with anon. Been to the show on several continents, and have seen how ugly it gets, fast.
    My own experience is what bears out historically: during insurgencies, civil wars, and revolutions about 10-20% are supporters of one side, about the same on the other end. Where the real danger lies is the middle. Most just want to be left alone, but will take advantage of chaos to score settle. If you can kill your neighbor to steal his cows, end arguments with businesses, or just a goat crapping in your yard, when the possibility arises to "settle the score" with no repercussions, it will be done. And don't forget the opportunists. They will switch sides given any good reason.
    My only advise in such situations is: Trust no one unless they have shared times when you had "mud on your boots"; Be merciless when necessary; And help/ have compassion on those that truly need it. You'd be surprised how small the world is that it may get back to you.
    Great site Aesop, been creeping on it for a good while. Keep the faith Brother.

  10. We've seen the bus route and know the destination. The real question remains...which stop are we on?
    Mine own planning gives Nov 2020 as the likely commencement of the spice; I'm hoping for that much time and will take more if such were to happen. Still, best be ready for the " music to stop" ( mixing metaphors and hat-tip/apologies to Brother Bracken) tomorrow.
    Boat Guy
