Friday, September 20, 2019

Dreaming, Or Planning?

A lot of people are just dreaming. About any number of things.

If what you're working on is always going to be done tomorrow, you're daydreaming, not planning or working.

Time is short. You don't know it's up until it's too late.
You want a castle?
Git 'er done.


  1. Your schematic immediately made me think of range cards ...

    my bad


  2. AESOP,

    Words of wisdom !

    Tomorrow may never come.

  3. 1st, Make a list...

  4. Some pure comedy gold for you:

    Off topic, I know. A thousand apologies.

  5. Guess who is back for a visit:

    Possible Ebola in Tanzania? A woman M.D. traveled to Uganda, got sick with "Ebola like symptoms" and died, perhaps infecting others. The government of Tanzania, such as it is naturally has tried to cover up the case by refusing to share tissue samples with an outside lab after claiming the woman didn't die of Ebola.

    For reference Dar-es-Salaam, the capital of Tanzania has a population of about six million people. Dar-es-Salaam is Arabic for "house of peace".

  6. The problem with planning without action is pretty soon you've missed a decade and you've not done anything with your life. But, hey, that Playstation isn't gonna play itself, am I right?

    1. Exactly and perfect is the enemy of good when it comes to building something...You can strive for perfection once you start but to not start because everything isn't perfect to do so will cause you to one day wake up and look back and regret...
