Thursday, September 19, 2019

Ahoy, Maties!

h/t Borepatch

Avast, scaliwags!
We be about some other pressin' urgent affairs, so ye's can have all the day at your leisure.
Splice the mainbrace, it be five o'clock somewhere, for a surety.
Customary shenanigans will recommence some'at later in the day, possibly after the last dog watch in these parts. Or mayhap not before the forenoon watch on the morrow.
And remember me hearties, it be "Rape - Kill -Pillage - Burn" - in that order.
And be square in yer dealin's. Otherwise ye may be handed a black spot.
We're not acertain of what happens after'ards, but like as not it be nothin' to wish for.

"...and really bad eggs..."


  1. I'm not a proponent of Rape, but the Kill, Pillage and Burn I'm up for.
    Where do we report?

  2. I am from Florida. When people start dressing like pirates around here we warm up the ER and get the activated charcoal ready.

  3. Dress howsomever ye be inclined, lad.
    This be International Talk Like A Pirate Day.
    Dressin' up don't enter into it. Arr.

  4. Argh, matie, I near forgot. Avast, 'tis time to hoist the Jolly Roger and make haste for Tortuga!

  5. Happy Nevis and St Kitt's independence day!
