Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Worth A Thousand Words

h/t Kenny

Biology is a bitch like that.


  1. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women%27s_Protection_Units

    Women. When men can't get the job done.

  2. I worked with two females in the Army that I felt carried their own weight, and that was only because they never left the wire. One was great at debriefing and the other was great at personnel stuff, and both had great attitudes and caused no drama and did a good job. But they never left the wire. All of the rest of the females I served with were not worth the space they occupied.

  3. 95% of women in the military cause more problems than they solve. The useful ones tend to be great at paperwork or language related skills. Which generally could be done by contractors, not soldiers or sailors.

  4. Ludmila Pavlichenko might disagree with you.

  5. I got two words for you, amigo - nur ses.

  6. "Sorry, had to let that one out before we got into the tank"

  7. Nurse need not be military personnel.
    They weren't commissioned in WWI, and it worked out just fine.
    Putting them into the military just made them feel like they were a part of things, and gave them (theoretically) the rank to keep them safe from the depredations of those plebian troops.

    And Ludmila Pavlkichenko was a product of Soviet propaganda more than military prowess.
    Or did you figure for that one moment, the Soviets stopped propagandizing...?
    Sh'yeah, as if.

    Women's protection units?
    That was a good one.


    1. I heard the ladies of Kurdistan were doing a pretty great job not getting wiped off the face of the Earth by IS (gone) and Turkey (still failing up) but I haven't checked in in a couple years. Time to dive into that Wikipedia rabbit hole.

    2. You can go back to huffpost anytime we won't miss you...

    3. While hearing go back where came from warms my conservative heart, I wouldn't touch Huffpost with a mile long pole. Just bad for the soul, that stuff.

  8. I have to agree strongly with our host. I knew a career military lady, did her twenty, had useful skills, generally a good service, She still managed to get knocked up on duty though she hid the baby rather than take leave as in her day they'd have cashiered her

    She was one of the good ones.

    I've come to conclude that there is no reason at all for women in the military.

    Passing few are competent and the few that are that and we have roles we need them for intelligence and technical/language skills otherwise unavailable that sort of thing , could be done by non military.

  9. I'm told that Liz Windsor was a crackerjack driver and mechanic back in the day...

  10. Why would we as men want to waste a valuable asset by having it in the military where it doesn't belong...They belong at home increasing the family as well as protecting the homestead...

  11. In 1979 at Marine Corps OCS at Quantico MCDEC, there was one platoon of female officer candidates. Besides seeing that they were not required to perform ACTUAL sit-ups and pull-ups for the PFT requirements, one other thing in particular got my attention. On several of the 5 mile jogs at an easy nine or ten mph pace with light assault gear (helmet, boots, web belt, and rifle) the women were dropping like flies, due to heat exhaustion. Mind you, this was in early to mid November. Not one male dropped out of these runs, probably because the few physically unfit males who had made it through the initial screening process had already been culled from the program by then. But if any had dropped or dropped out during these runs, they would have been culled too.

    But to my knowledge, none of the females were cashiered from the program for this, or for inability to successfully complete the obstacle course, or for a less than passing score on the PFT. At that time, women Marines were not allowed in the combat arms, so their failure to measure up physically was rationalized as not really mattering, since they were all headed for mostly desk jobs in the Marine Corps.

    Today, since they are allowed in combat MOS's, it matters. And they STILL cannot even begin to measure up physically. And truth be told, despite the rationalizing, it also did matter 40 years ago.

  12. Had a physical training class in Academy led by a woman who was in the Marines. Short, wiry, tough as nails and all muscle. Left us men in the dust without much effort. Hell, her Navy Seal suitor could barely keep up. Every time women in the military comes up, I think of her and how hilarious this would be to her.

    1. LMAO...Ahh the old exception to the rule makes all rules irrelevant argument...Funny we have never heard that one before...Maybe she would not of left you all in the dust if you had a little more self respect about your level of fitness also her significant other still wanted to get laid that night...

    2. Lineman... I promise... If we ever... EVER... met in person... I'd love to break bread with you. You sound like you have a story or two to tell.

    3. Where do you currently live at maybe that can be arranged?

    4. I live in the wilds of the Pacific Northwest. How about you?

    5. In Montana so we are close...How far are you from coeur d'alene id?

    6. Oh shit! Unless your white TP, stay away from Idaho if you know what's good for you. You might be coming back!

    7. *might NOT be coming back! A ride behind a pick up truck and a gravel sandwich might be all your getting!

    8. Oh yeah Idaho is soo scary better run and hide under your bed triggered snowflake...

    9. Idaho is a great place. Love summer there. I think last year it was on a Thursday. ;)
      Coeur d'alene is only a ten hour drive. 6 if you're feeling frisky. Don't know when I'll be up that way again, but it ain't impossible.

    10. Well where is closer to you that you would feel comfortable meeting...

    11. I think Vancouver is still good, as close to Antifa covered Portland as it is. That or Tri-Cities.

    12. I won't support anything in WA so pick something close to you in ID... Would Moscow or Lewiston work?

  13. Having recently broken bread with lineman, I'll just say it was time well spent. Good man, that one.
    Boat Guy

    1. Cannot believe it was almost a month ago already. Although I didn't get a chance to visit as much with you, I remember you (lineman) being more reserved😉

    2. 😉When people are decent and courteous then I am usually quiet and just listen to what people have to say and what makes them tick...But if you're being stupid and trolling then I'm going to say something and it probably won't be nice...

  14. Brother lineman, I just waded through @EmmaLazarusExcerpt stuff on the other strings; so earnest and sophomoric I rather doubt you should bother so much as a coffee much less a meal. Those types just make me tired anymore. Can't take "No" for an answer.
    Boat Guy

    1. I hear you Brother...I have a hunch but will see how it plays out... Sometimes folks get more than they bargain for when they want to play with matches and gasoline...

    2. I resemble that remark, BoatGuy. (Pun intended)

    3. Also, Emma Lazarus Excerpt would make a great band name.

    4. Statue of Liberty Guy,

      This is starting to sound sketchy. Bail out! Run for the hills!

  15. Australian Military Nurses were recently busted for prostituting themselves out. Literally, sex for money.

    In the 80's women in the Australian Army were colloquially known as ground sheets.

    Not military. I only had brothers growing up. Went to an all boys school. It wasn't until I was an adult that I learned how much weaker women are. What's easy for me isn't for women. Until I groked this I used to get annoyed thinking they were just shirking playing the "But I'm a woman" card just to get out of work.

    An aside though. BJJ works great for women. Technique can overcome brute strength (note, Brute strength AND technique is better again)

  16. I had a twenty-four year E-4 as a driver.
    She completely over-estimated her ability to operate a stick-shift transmission.

    You read that right. In twenty-four years, she achieved E-4... or about equal to a fellow with three years and a minor amount of ambition at never getting caught gold-bricking.

    It wasn't her fault. Men never let her grow to her potential. Stood in her way. Held her down.
    Yup, I got an earful... up until I said "Not my job.".
