Thursday, August 22, 2019

When Folly Crosses Into Clinical Insanity

And if you live in NYFS, remember that Congressweasel Peter King volunteered to help row that boat. If you live in his district, please retire that faithless backstabbing fucker in 2020, for the good of the republic.  Let the entire parliament of whores know that supporting gun bans is a career-ender.


  1. Latest ammo delivery was Wednesday. Why do I keep buying it when I don't have any weapons? Must be some sort of compulsion.

    1. Bwahaha.... Shame about that canoe accident.
      Molon Labe

  2. A NY "Republican" would be known as a "moderate Democrat" (whatever that is) anywhere else.

  3. But..but...guns are icky.


  5. Troll control! Outstanding!
    HaHaHave a nice life. Douchebag.

  6. It's a good idea to have a variety of ammo for weapons that you might get someday, esp. if they are the very common calibers. .22lr comes cheapest in box of 5000, only a tiny bit more than pallet qty. Don't want to run out of Cricket ammo.

  7. All NY pols are corrupt scum. The difference between Dems and GOP is that the Albany Times Union hates the Republicans.
    Other than that, they're indistinguishable.

  8. If you get OUT of the City, say up into the Mohawk Valley, it's a WHOLE NEW BALLGAME, politically.

  9. While I won't vote for the quisling RINO we elected last time, I don't know if I can go do far as to vote for any of the party of evil. Maybe I'll just not vote for that office, or toss my vote to some third-party alternative
    Boat Guy

  10. I remind those to whom it applies, (almost invariably too chickenshit to sign their posts with a linkable ID and own their jackassery) that if you couldn't attend a neighborhood BBQ without getting drunk, shitting your pants, and generally making an ass of yourself, your visit here will be short.
    If you're too stupid to figure out appropriate conduct, you're too stupid to be posting on this blog, and you won't be missed, and are invited to write your own blog, and smear your feces on the wall there.
    A Blogger account costs you $0/month, forever.
    Best wishes, and DLTDHYITAOYWO.
