Tuesday, August 20, 2019

What Could Possibly Go Wrong? Dept.

Boston Tattler circa 1775 - by special correspondent:
"(BOSTON - April 18 - Final) Correspondents to this journal have learned that owing to complaints from numerous loyal Tory subjects in Boston, Charleston, and vicinity, regarding their extreme unease and fearfulness about the steadfastness and mental soundness of their friends and neighbors in Middlesex County, General Thomas Gage, His Majesty's Military Governor of Massachusetts Colony, has issued an extreme risk protective order, ordering the surrender of all armaments by the inhabitants of that district, they being alleged to be no longer trustworthy with such devices, by royal decree. Sources report that Lieut. Colonel Francis Smith will depart westward with a detachment from the 5th Northumberland Regiment of Foot sufficient to serve this writ on the unhinged and aggressive inhabitants of the area, and compel them to surrender their weapons. As always, should any rebellious colonials wish to contest this seizure by due process in His Majesty's Courts afterwards, the customary pace of His Majesty's justice can be expected. One unnamed officer at Genl. Gage's headquarters is said to have remarked, "No subject of His Majesty needs such fearsome weapons of war as a cannon, nor a Brown Bess musket and bayonet. Ordinary fowling pieces for sustenance and defence of their homes from highwaymen and savages should suffice. If they need anything else beyond that, that's why His Majesty's troops are present here in the colony. And as ever, we are only a few hours distant by dispatch rider, should any serious trouble occur."

The Tattler looks forward to a full report on the expedition upon their return to Boston, expected at last report to be sometime tomorrow afternoon."

"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes."


  1. Red Flag - flying Bravo - usually means that the range is open and hot. See it all the time when the ranges are open at Fort Leonard Wood, with the kids banging away at their qualifications.

    Red Flag irony.

  2. More irony; Bravo is flown aboard ship while handling (usually onload) ammo.
    As I've proudly noted before, an ancestor responded with his Minute Company to the ERPO incident in 1775.
    Boat Guy

  3. Shouldn't we be more worried about this?


  4. Anonymous 8:54 AM

    Why worry about China's sovereignty over Asia when Leftists want to kill us after they take our guns? Is that what you're asking?

  5. @Anon 8:54

    A CNN story about a leftist Aussie think tanks assessment. Okey Dokey.

    There's a great job opportunity for you here:

    1. This is a great opportunity. Thanks.


  6. Alas, Patriots are not organized. 200+ years ago, citizens of the Crown, were better organized than any Patriots today.


    1. Amen on that Brought it almost seems like it's gotten worse because the ones that could of been decent leaders have gotten so frustrated with the idiots that they have said I'm out...

  7. Stephen Halbrook wrote about the gun confiscation and gun raids in the Massachusetts colony in his "The Founders' 2nd Amendment" book. Lexington and Concord was a gun confiscation raid gone bad. Good read with plenty of facts about the 2A. Of course the commies could give a shit about facts.

  8. IMO, these 'Red Flag' laws are a Red Herring; they are Not going to function as a "Ban" or "Mass Confiscation" fulcrum, they are for "Targeted" /s/ Confiscations aimed at Politically Active individuals that the .gov feels 'Threatened" by. Just like any other proposed Ban/Registration/Confiscation 'laws', the .gov thugpigs are so Outnumbered that they must only 'pick and choose' their Targets, otherwise they get Overwhelmed in a matter of Days.
    Connecticut and New York are perfect Examples, both states passed Registration/Bans of most Semiautomatics, and Compliance is so Low that they try and Hide the Fact that essentially Nobody obeyed the 'laws'. They haven't even made a real effort to "Target" a few individuals to 'make examples of'.
    I suspect that what these 'laws' will do is push more Individuals to Prepare for a possible Raid, and then the chances of a "Raid gone Bad" where thugpigs die in numbers that are Intolerable to the Regime become more likely. Depending if the .gov wants to "Double Down on Stupid" at that point, we may get our "Triggering Event" like Lexington Green.

  9. https://www.americanpartisan.org/2019/08/are-the-new-red-flag-laws-the-gun-grab-weve-been-warned-about/
