Thursday, August 8, 2019

Anchoring The Far Left Corner Of The Bell Curve

cf.: Lenin: "useful idiots".

The Antifatards serve a purpose:
now you know what happened to those fetal alcohol kids in school who ate paint chips and all the craft time paste.

But "harder to turn popular opinion against us"...?

Dudes, that train left the station years ago.

Unless you've got a flying Cortina, you morons will never get to Hogwarts.


  1. They can post their plans in public because even still, they’ve been successful. FreeFor has little in the way of a cohesive strategy. It’s something that we at AP are very concerned over.

  2. "Pretend to be Trump supporters"...

    ...and then fuck people up.
    They can announce it in advance. They could publish articles describing just what disguises to wear. They could even post pics on line.
    And when they show up and cause mayhem, the newspapers, the television stations, and half the internet will report that right wing racist nazi Trump supporters are responsible.
    And boatloads of people will believe it. This is how they work.


  3. Just look for the buses Soro rented to get them there.

    1. 22lr does wonders for tires I hear.... Pour encourager Les autres...

  4. Aesop, you write some great stuff! I was laughing so hard my wife ran into the room thinking I'd had a seizure. Thanks!

  5. "a convincing police uniform is even better."

    Ok, someone here correct me if I'm wrong (and please try to forgive my Canadian ignorance), but I was always under the impression that impersonating a police officer while in the commission of an offence is a felony crime in the US.

    Man, these ANTIFA types have some brain surgeons and such in their ranks.

    - JL

  6. I guess they'll be camouflaged so well, none of the evil rightwingers will notice the scrawney vegetarian soyboy builds, the flabby lesbians with blue hair, the tattoos and piercings.

  7. "Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake..." goes the axiom.

    This poster is a classic bonehead mistake, as should be, and is, obvious.

    I've got lots of popcorn for August 17th set aside on this one.
