Friday, June 21, 2019

Rules For Life

But stock up on popcorn and beverages.
Uproarious laughter is thirsty work.


  1. Please Don't Shut Up, AOC

  2. People Either have not noticed or have not brought it up but she and her two buddies (Talib and Omar) are attention whores. They take turns saying outrageous and stupid shit then when attacked for their words they say their attackers are racist or sexist or homophobic or all the above. Omar had spotlight the week before last, this week it was AOC'S turn, Talib will be next. This is an orchestrated attempt to keep garnering media attention for their own egos not for any constructive purpose. If the media did not sensationalize what they say and people did not attack them after they said it they would gradually fade away or hopefully do some thing so asinine that they will not be Re-elected. Example media report The Representative from New York district XX AOCs district said something patently untrue today. If you would like to know what it is you can look it up for yourself as this is not a news story but a story for her self aggrandizement not for any legitimate purpose. If the media did that for a month they would be be shut down

  3. I think this is a classic sales technique: you begin a negotiation with a ludicrous asking price and then negotiate down.
    These three are willing pawns in a sales strategy for the Democratic/Progressive/Communist sales team.
    But, it does not mean they do not believe what the say.
    Their seniors are happily using them to to get the Overton window moved more to the left on their agendas.

  4. Has anyone else noticed the aoc lookalikes in commercials, I laugh every time.

  5. Amazing what a Political Science major from an upper-middle-class family can achieve ...
