Thursday, June 20, 2019

Gonna Be A Light Posting Day...

At least early. Because I'll be spending quite a bit of it getting officially trained on the things I've used for the last year. Not too cranky about that, since it's paid time and there's a bare possibility I might learn something I didn't know, slim though that chance is. But it's still killing most of a day. And in daylight, so there's a non-zero chance that if stricken by sunlight, my lifelong night-shift self might burst into ashes. And it's so darned bright out there in the daytime.


  1. What is you’re being trained on. We just received training on some new antivenin and some new stroke treatment standards. The standards don’t seem new to me though. Just some new tools for getting the Alteplase in sooner.

  2. It was a new EMR.
    After using it for most of a year, TPTB have decided I ought to be trained in using it.

    But to be fair, the class covered a lot of things I hadn't been told with OJT, so it was worthwhile.
    And paid work, with no patients. Win-win.

  3. At least TPTB decided training was eventually worth it. I am painfully familiar with working with software at work for which training has been deemed unnecessary. A lot of man hours are wasted every week trying to correct the litany of errors the system produces.

  4. Training.

    "What kind of training?"
    "Haaaaaah-spital training, sir!"

    I'm up for being retrained on why allowing poor black men to live ignorant of the fact that they have untreated syphilis for decades is unethical. (q.v. Tuskegee) I'm also up for retraining on not eating the urinal cakes, not handling radioactives without protective gear, not mouth-pipetting blood and urine samples, not juggling hep-C infected needles, and so forth.

    But there is no time scheduled for this of course. This is stuff I am expected to do in my spare time.

    It's enough doing hours weekly of unpaid work to be reviewing manuscripts for journals, doing editorial-board stuff for the same, but at least that can be interesting, and presumably helps someone out, but the bozo Hospital-mandated "training" alluded to above isn't training at all. It's merely checklist CYA for hospital admin.

    Not that I'm bitter or anything.

  5. Mike C: "
    I'm up for being retrained on why allowing poor black men to live ignorant of the fact that they have untreated syphilis for decades is unethical. (q.v. Tuskegee) I'm also up for retraining on not eating the urinal cakes, not handling radioactives without protective gear, not mouth-pipetting blood and urine samples, not juggling hep-C infected needles, and so forth."

    Heh. And, simply to make it EXTRA, SUPER SPECIAL!, said training is provided by Clipboard Cuties who cannot identify a turd should it require scraping from their shoes. Provided to folks who scoop poop, start IVs, administer meds, etcetera, all night long, every (work) night.

    As Aesop said: (1) paid, (2) no sick folks. Because, as I learned decades ago, "Sick People Suck!"

  6. I worked EM from 1982 to 2010, the last 12 years in one place before I retired. Did ABFP by residency, ABEM by grandfather with two recertifications. EMRs are designed by Neanderthals. I've always said that if Google or Yahoo could put up interfaces that could access a near-infinitude of data in more formats than most folks have even heard of, with security enough for transactions on your bank account, and NO TRAINING NEEDED, then surely something better could be done with EMRs! But that would put lots of monkeys at lots of keyboards out of bananas: so the status quo has to be sustained.
