Wednesday, June 19, 2019


Because you can't undo 90 years of communism in this country in just half a term.
Because there's so much more to do.
Because you're not ready for what happens under another Dumbocrat presidency.

He wasn't my guy in 2016. He's not, and never was, an actual conservative.

But he's governed more conservatively than any president since Coolidge, including Reagan, and that ain't nothing. I don't care what you say, I care what you do.

The NeverTrumpTards and other lunatics will want to carp about him in comments.
A) Don't. It'll be blasted to the ether the minute I see it. I'm all out of patience with that level of idiocy and stupidity. Ride your convictions right into the ground, and STFU here.
B) You think you have reasons. Consult what we got in 1993 as a reward for "punishing Bush(41)" for his awful "No New Taxes" flip-flop disaster. The Clintons are like herpes. We'll never be rid of them until their entire pustulent line finally dies out. And now you'd take a chance on giving the country genital warts or AIDS too? Yeah, no.
So just don't go there. Srsly.

If only out of enlightened self-interest, because you don't have any of your sh*t in one bag as far as dealing with whatever comes next.
You and I both know: you don't.

And let's get serious: watching CNN's ratings crater, and seeing Rachel Madcow and Bill Maher cry and rant and gnash their teeth in impotent rage was pretty damned funny in 2016. Imagine seeing their heads actually exploding in 2020!

That, alone, is a platform I can get behind, wholeheartedly.

Not because electing Trump is going to fix everything.
It won't.

But anything else, and anyone, is going to be far, far worse.
We really don't need worse.

Remember the old Irish Mob prayer:
"Give us health and strength, O Lord. Everything else we need, we'll steal."


  1. Roger that! I didn't much like The Donald at first, but I would have voted for Pat Paulson if it meant keeping that witch Hilary out of the White House. Trump's a big switch from the usual line of professional politicians we've been saddled with. TRUMP 2020!

  2. Of all the wonderful things he does!!!! Get it

  3. The best thing about Trump is that he's pissing off the right people...My one gripe is he is too friendly with Israel. We need to kick that tumor off the planet. But he's light years better than what we could have got...

  4. I have to laugh at all of the professional and the new alt left pols that immediately go to the nearest microphone to decry Trump's latest policy initiative, whatever it might be, only to have said policy become effective almost as soon as they're done blathering their booolsheeet.


  5. It's good you don't give a platform to those who would support (on purpose or not) our enemies, engaging them in conversation etc is pointless as they only wish for our annihilation....whats to compromise?

    1. Our dear representatives in Congress have done nothing but compromise for the last 40 some-odd years, if not longer. All we get is more laws, more restrictions on our Liberty, more socialism. And now the left is bringing out a dozen candidates, each one with more radical left-wing socialist views and policies than the next. How are conservatives expected to compromise with a tax on the ultra-rich to pay off college tuition, with welfare and medicare for all, regardless of whether they help pay for it, with a policy of allowing millions of illegals into our country, with plans to raise taxes, with plans to give even more of our hard-earned money to a generational class of people who contribute nothing to society. It is just my humble opinion, but I believe the time for compromise may well and truly be over.


  6. In 2020, if Trump wins, the libtards will go crazy. If Trump loses, the libtards will go crazy.

  7. There’s either a year and a half or five and a half years to prepare for the post-Trump festivities. Use the time wisely.

  8. I'm finished trying to debate the anti-Trump morons, even on right leaning sites such as WRSA.
    And enough with the anti-Joos already, Rodulf. Go shave your head or something.
    Trump has accomplished more in 2 years than Reagan did in 8. And that's with the media and most of congress against him. Check this out:
    But in the grand scheme of things, we should keep in mind that he's just the President. The real battle is with Congress. They have the real power, as it should be. So when people whine he hasn't been able to do a,b or c what they are really saying is they wish we had a dictator in the Oval Office. That isn't how it's supposed to work. Grow up.

  9. The Democrat 2020 policy planks

    confiscate all firearms, fully condone and fund by .gov the killing of babies up to and after the moment of birth which was made a constitutional right by the SJC, restructure the Supreme Court to ensure that it remains liberal forever, higher and/or more taxes and not just on rich people, open borders, amnesty for illegal aliens back to 1976 and forward to infinity, free health care for illegals, welfare for illegals, voting rights for illegals, reparations for black people since slavery was abolished in 1863, free college for everyone, student loan debt forgiveness, outlaw energy production using all fossil fuels, green energy excluding nuclear paid for by the taxpayers, outlaw all fossil fuel powered transportation, government approval for every sexual and gender identity deviancy know to man and free shit Free Shit FREE SHIT for all, except white people.


  10. Well said. I'm very proud of my anti-anti-Trump activism.

    Here is a list of the key losers:

  11. MAGA baby! I was, and am, a Cruz supporter that voted for Trump and he has done wonders for this country. I wake up every day wondering what libtard is going to cry and wail today, and it is glorious. You can tell a man by his enemies, so I am now a Trumpeteer for good.

  12. MAGA, aye!
    Liked DJT from his announcement speech. Not a blind fanboi, I've been dismayed by some things; but , many of those have later played out brilliantly.
    +1 on the STFU about Israel, that shit don't play, moron.
    Boat Guy

  13. @ anonymous, whoever you are, I am permitted to criticize anyone I want. Is there a law somewhere that I'm not aware of that would penalize me for criticizing someone?
    No there isn't, so stop huffing those chemtrails.

  14. Trump 2020: Because I don't want to live in Venezuela v2.0

  15. Trump 2020 because the man has lept more promises than any Republican in my lifetime, kept us out of new wars , is addressing the immigration crisis and is the Best Republican since Silent Cal

  16. Silent Cal's picture is the only politician allowed to grace the walls of my house.

  17. Trump may have his shortcomings but running Trump against any of the Democrat candidates is like running a 21 YO star athlete in the Olympics against a blind one legged man in the 100 yard dash, not much of a contest there.

    Waiting for the perfect candidate is a fool's game, the perfect is the enemy of the good.

    NE Heretic

  18. @Anon 1:26pm

    Or Bruce Jenner in his prime against Katlyn Jenner today. :)

  19. "... reparations for black people since slavery was abolished in 1863, free college for everyone, student loan debt forgiveness, outlaw energy production using all fossil fuels, green energy excluding nuclear paid for by the taxpayers, outlaw all fossil fuel powered transportation, government approval for every sexual and gender identity deviancy know to man and free shit Free Shit FREE SHIT for all, except white people.


    Yeah! And we'll make the Mexicans pay for it!


  20. " . . . Or Bruce Jenner in his prime against Katlyn Jenner today. :)"

    I was eating my dinner when I read that. The mental picture I had killed my appetite.

    NE Heretic

  21. Trump 2020 Yes most definitely ! @Karl 8:34AM: Thanks for the key losers list, I had a good laugh.

  22. trump 2020, because he has kept us from the abyss, alone.

  23. I've seen the Trump 2020 hats already.
    Also another one that says "Make democrats cry again."

  24. Amen, nuff said.

  25. Vote Trump in 2020 because of who he sends into fits of rage.

    Ignore the slanderous name calling, it is all virtue signalling for the consumption of the rest of the Anointed Elites™.

  26. OvergrownHobbit said...
    Trump is America's Ritalin.

    I disagree.

    Trump is more like wasabi & eucalyptus oil, mixed with ampicillin, rolled into one serving.

    I don't like him. I think he's an asshole, and not a nice or pleasant person. But he didn't get elected to be a pleasant person.

    He got elected because "the forgotten people" had enough with the BS, and they wanted someone who was not part of the DC Establishment to "break his foot off in a bunch of establishment asses".
    Donald Trump has done exactly that. And he doesn't apologize for putting America's interests first.

    And if the Establishment really wanted to figure out how Trump negotiates, they could read a not-so-secret book published in 1987, called "The Art of The Deal".

    1. Thoroughly agree. Trump realized early on that 2016 would be decided over who best resembled the proverbial brick to be lobbed at the establishment.

  27. I'm partial to Andrew Yang myself. Guy knows what's coming down the pipeline.
