Thursday, March 14, 2019

Kleptocracy Dies In Gunfire

Mike at Cold Fury has noted again the spreading dumpster fire that is Venezuela.

I sympathize with the plight of Venezuelans starving and dying, and getting exactly what they voted for, good and hard.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

We shouldn't send them one single troop, or even $1 in US treasury funds.

But we should have submarines and clandestine flights dropping off those cases of captured AK-47s and ammo from our 1983 Grenada vacation adventure, and passing them out with bandoleers of ammo to any Julio in-country willing to start shooting at Maduro and his minions.

It's sort of a local tradition to inaugurate new presidentes via gunfire thereabouts, so why screw around with what works for South America, going back nearly 200 years?


  1. But let's try Socialism HERE now because it'll work this time. Because we have smart people like AOC, Deblazio, Cuomo and Sanders to lead us.

    Mark D

  2. Perfect example of "Foreign Aid" as it ought to be rendered in this case. I don't think we have anybody at the Culinary Institute who knows how to do such a thing these days.
    Boat Guy

  3. and just ad insult to injury there's this from the Earl:


  4. I disagree....we shouldn't even drop arms on the people who voted themselves into being disarmed. Not out circus, not our monkeys. Stay out of it, all the way out of it.

    If we're going to be giving away AKs and ammo, we should be doing it here.

  5. Don't be sending that stuff down there. We'll be needing it here pretty damn soon.

  6. It's hard to explain just how irreparable Venezuela is.

    Venezuela has no money, masses of debt, and a sustained and repeated history of stealing foreign investment.

    Venezuela needs an entire new electricity grid.
    Every cable, every generator, every substation is past its design life.

    Venezuela can't afford to overhaul it's network, it can't borrow money to overhaul it's network, and it can't privatise it's electricity grid because no one is dumb enough to buy it and pay to overhaul it,for the Government to decide it's changed its mind and is going to seize it.

    That paragraph can be repeated for anything, farms, factories, breweries, bakeries, you name it, the Venezuelan government has stolen it and ran it in to the ground.
    Former Soviet Russia was an economic wunderkind in comparison.

    It's only industry that sort of works, is Oil, and that sector has both nearly failed, and the world is awash with oil, the US is now the world's largest producer.

    Investment in Venezuela could draw out 2mn barrels per day, but who would buy it?

    And as always, buy the Venezuelan oil industry, overhaul it, and have it seized by the next Chavez.

    We really are in uncharted waters here

  7. For all the arm-chair commando BS thrown around on this and a myriad other "resistance" sites the truth is; It's ALL BS. Americans go to some silly class staged up by some camo wearing has-been/wannabe, shoot up a bunch of ammo over a few days and think they know something about anything that has to do with reality and two-way bullet exchanges. You don't.
    You've spent a bunch of money learning to manipulate your weapons platform(s); Load, fire, reload, clear, etc. It's not anything but making noise and wasting ammo. Linear ranges and 50 dudes/dudettes lined up side by side has absolutely nothing to do with the reality of an insurgency in an urban environment.
    Find someone who can teach intelligence gathering skills and counter-intelligence skills. Clandestine communications techniques, sabotagey, and disinformation skills.
    Insurgencies/resistance movements are all about being that "Greyman". A fish through water. Dressing up in camo and running through the woods shooting at tree monsters teaches you only how to kill trees. Hiding in the woods is a non-starter folks. It gets cold, wet, hot, dry and damned uncomfortable in about 4 hrs much less 4 months or 4 years. Oh, and don't forget that the gubment (whatever that becomes) will be constantly scanning likely areas of "insurgent strongholds" to drop one of those $2mill J-dams right in your fresh possum soup bowl. Or send a butterfly sized swarm of drones to do the same job with very little "collateral damage".
    The soft fight is now, every day, get smarter, learn to see, observe and report. Build your kids into information junkies. Kids love playing spy, use it. You may not like the idea but they are in this thing, like it or not and if you don't get them first your adversary will definitely turn them into little video and audio recorders.
    Form with your closest and build a web of knowledge about everything in your AO. Know the guy that knows a guy....

  8. I'm thinking that present day Venezuela represents the type of mission that the Green Berets were developed for. Training indigenous forces in guerilla tactics and leading them in an overthrow of a repressive government. That is not the same as the classic Vietnam type mission of establishing an overt fortified camp and leading local forces to interdict enemy movement and supplies.
    Since it is desirable for the U.S. to be the dominant influence there rather than the Russians and or Chinese, we should be concerned. There was and still is a reason for the Monroe Doctrine. Don't think that Russia wouldn't like to latch on to Venezuela's oil.
    Time for the ODA's to mobilize!

    1. Hey retired cop, i wouldn’t be surprised if they are already there...

  9. About time for another update on ebola isn't it... Email Sent Also...

  10. Wow! Gee, thanks there MEALONE! Nobody who frequents (or writes for) this site would ever have tumbled to that.

  11. @MEALONE

    Trenchant and perspicacious analysis, shithead.
    Some of us have spent a good deal more time than a bare weekend tramping around in the woods in fantasy camp, but lacking the wits God gave a jackass, you can be forgiven for being wholly ignorant of that reality, and for your utter ignorance that far more than you would attempt to utter has been passed along on these pages in years gone by, and doubtless some years before such thoughts ever occurred to you.

    You'll also have missed the literal decades of hands-on experience offered live and in-person by those who've been there and done that as well, linked on the upper right of the blog, because you've no more intellectual curiosity than common sense.

    I'm leaving your monstrous shit right in the middle of the floor here where you've plopped it out for the immediate time being, mainly as instruction to the other occasional lackwits of your tribe who pass by from time to time, but as you paid no entry fee to drop by, DLTDHYITAOYWO.

    You've managed to demonstrate your stupidity rather gloriously aflame for such a short collection of your mental bowel movements.
    Walk tall.

  12. i don’t get it... why does he call himself meal-one????

  13. on 2nd read, meal1 sounds to me like he might have BTDT? & is either new to blogs, or just hasn’t been reading the “right” ones so far?

  14. Purty sure if I remember correctly "meal 1" refers to the " menu item" of ham and lima beans or is it the "four fingers of death" in MRE's? Gotta be one or t'other...

  15. We're not going to war in Venezuela before the election are we?
    And the last thing this administration needs is a quasi contra scandal.

  16. Not trolling; honest question: What if the U.S. did absolutely nothing except let them swirl in the mess they create?

    No aid, (even arms), no assistance of any kind. If they decide to kill each other by whatever method, just remain aloof and uninvolved.

    Hard, swift and definitive action (find, fix, and especially finish, as in done for and foreseeable future) for any hostile acts against CONUS/Territories, but for the rest, mostly a DILLIGAF demeanor?

  17. They deserve it certainly, but the best use of any communist is as a bullet sponge.

    I have no problem sending them Castro's AK-47s and ammo to use on Venezuelan commies.

  18. Drinking out of the sewer, that's a new one. We haven't yet viewed footage of liver pie vendors and eviscerated children left where they were relieved of their tasty organs.

    Not that we pleasure at innocents suffering, but they must in order that the guilty may be punished. That's what it always takes.

    We suggest fellow survivalists know their AO's hardened, conspicuously nondescript Strategic National Stockpile warehouses, .mil units tasked to secure them and Continuity Of Government integrants to whom the guns report. They and their families will all migrate with the food and medicine when Liver Pie Day arrives in Calizuela, Mexas, Blue Hive/Red Flag Shitholes.

    A 72 Hour Push Pack does not have your name on it unless you write it there. They don't belong to the shitstem aholes that started the party either. Maybe their livers do.

  19. @1140am”anonymous” not the best idea to stand back and do nothing b/c that leaves the door open to Russia to roll in and prop up the flailing leader...or China perhaps?

  20. Ncgreg,
    That was my thought. If we aren't there, then either the Russians or the Chinese will be.
    And for those saying fuck em all, let them starve, I doubt that most of those folks in Venezuela got any way in their government.

  21. I'm diving deep into WWI history right now. I can see why the subject doesn't get much love in the media or in schools. I'm seeing it as a pivot point for the West and not in a good way.

    The reason it comes to mind when I read this post was that prior to WWI the US was very isolationist in its foreign policy. When John Adams wrote about America ‘She Goes Not Abroad in Search of Monsters to Destroy’ he was speaking wisdom. The shift in wealth from Europe to America was enormous and all from the Europeans going utterly insane, destroying themselves to destroy each other.

    I imagine that life for Heritage Americans would have been enormously better had America stayed out of WWI. How much better would life be for Joe Average if the US weren't an Empire?

    1. "The reason it comes to mind when I read this post was that prior to WWI the US was very isolationist in its foreign policy."

      It avoided Europe, but was busy conquering the Americas and the Pacific, by the late 1890s, and forced open Japan before that

  22. "The Monroe Doctrine" came from a time The United Stated army was a few thousand and a tenth rate European Power could field 50,000 on a days notice.
    HMS Dreadnought could have beaten the entire Great White Fleet.

    Monroe had a very real fear a European Army could land in the Americas and there's not a damned thing they could do about it.

    Communist land forces invading through Mexico was laughable in Red Dawn, never mind real life.

    There are 30 something million Venezuleans whom a supposed Russian or Chinese liberator would have to feed, and a nation to rebuild.
    If China does so, well, it's at that point it makes sense to hand out bricks of C4 and rifles

  23. @Me-Alone - funniest crap I’ve read all day. I kinda understand why you are alone, no one else wants to listen to your bs.

  24. Domo did a great job of summing up why and how Venezuela is so irretrievably fucked. Neither their government, nor the people, nor any domestically domiciled companies have anywhere near the money to fix even ONE thing that needs to be fixed in their country's infrastructure. And there are multiple things that would have to be fixed more or less simultaneously for any ONE fix in one particular area to even work. And no external government or corporation wants to invest anything when their entire history is one of stealing any investments or improvements that are made. I see the Chinese possibly willing to play, but only if they are able to quickly extract resources (oil) commensurate with the amount of investment made, probably tallied and extracted on a near daily basis.

    I remember reading some years back that even under the best circumstances, Venezuela's oil field are problematic. The oil is not anywhere close to light sweet crude in purity, and extracting it requires a significantly higher than average degree of technical expertise due to the fact that the fields are a mixed bag of drilling and fracking, the yields do not come easily, and costs can easily get out of control if things are not done just right. The people who had the technical know-how to do it left the country a long time ago. The fields are currently a mess, which is why they now produce only a small fraction of their potential yield. They will need a shit-ton of refurbishing and new equipment, at an almost prohibitively high cost, just to get them producing at a somewhat reasonable level, and would still probably not break even for at least five years.

    Things came to this state of entropy because the Socialist government for many years has used the oil revenue as a cash cow for everything, while at the same time reinvesting essentially ZERO back into it. Socialism ALWAYS kills the goose (a free market economy) that lays the golden egg (prosperity). Always.

  25. He may have chosen the absolute crappiest way to start his comment, but I think the second half has some valid points.

    "Find someone who can teach intelligence gathering skills and counter-intelligence skills. Clandestine communications techniques, sabotagey, and disinformation skills.
    Insurgencies/resistance movements are all about being that "Greyman".

    --I don't see anything wrong with this advice and it aligns with my own thinking. [not everyone knows WHY those guys are on the blogroll on the upper right, so if it sounds like teaching your gramma to suck eggs, that might be in the eye of the beholder]

    "The soft fight is now, every day, get smarter, learn to see, observe and report. Build your kids into information junkies. Kids love playing spy, use it. You may not like the idea but they are in this thing, like it or not and if you don't get them first your adversary will definitely turn them into little video and audio recorders.
    Form with your closest and build a web of knowledge about everything in your AO. Know the guy that knows a guy...."

    --again, can't find anything wrong with this advice. No need for the parts I snipped out though.


  26. Everybody who shows up requesting amnesty gets an AKM & bandolier, a case of assorted MREs, and a ride home.

  27. Western Civilization would have been a lot better off if the Fatherland had prevailed in WW1.
