Friday, February 22, 2019

One Down, Only 39,999,999 To Go

h/t 90 Miles From Tyranny

Another fine (Mexican, to a 99.999% certainty) export product, doing what they do.

Note with delight the literal grace under fire, and the following permanent deportation, this week, of three-time prior deportee Javier Hernandez Morales, in this case by Napa Valley County Sheriff's Deputy Riley Jarecki, after the protagonist tried to shoot her with a .22, and in short order, became the object of a 15-round mag dump to the torso, which successfully subdued his miscreance, permanently.

His final  "Aaaayyyyyy!" is clearly audible and intensely satisfying, howbeit all too brief, as the deputy successfully drains all the fight out of him when he tries to start his car and flee the scene of his murder attempt.

One Golden State Marksmanship Award, First Class, to Deputy Jarecki, and a heartfelt "Good Riddance!" to the murderous refuse with fatally poor situational awareness she has successfully deported forever. He represents 10,000 more crimes he'll never commit, 80 more elections he'll never vote in, and half a dozen anchor baby welfare brats he'll never sire, and all solved for less than $7 of duty ammunition, and a plastic garbage bag funeral in Potter's Field. If the family (in Mexico) wants the body shipped home, trebuchet at the closest Port Of Entry should be the officially selected method. (There may be a lesson or three in there somewhere.)

Would that they might show this video in Mexico, endlessly, as a reason to stop coming here, to 80M of Javier's primos.

"National Emergency" indeed, and here, the consequences, a mere 500 miles from the actual border.

It's a pity "Shoot On Sight" and "Dead Or Alive" posters have gone all out of vogue.

Reminder: Javier didn't just wake up that day and decide to carry an illegally-obtained weapon, illegally concealed, and attempt to murder a cop doing a traffic stop on a whim: he's been a criminal for years, if not his entire adult life.
They're all criminal illegal aliens. Some, more so than others.

Nice shootin', Deputy.


  1. This is music to my ears and a good end to a long day. Beautiful writing and more of an epitaph than that scrote deserved. Appropriate force on force, by the way - a .22 will kill you just as quick as a .45. My best friend's beat partner went down that way in SJ.

  2. Good fucking riddance-is there a Mexican youtube?

  3. Yup, sure is MMinLamesa

  4. Just launch that gutpile over Pigshitlosi Stinkfein Anytwosome-Newsome Marxine et. al.'s wall after it putrefies.

  5. The Deputy did exactly the correct action required to end the threat to her life. But just wait, the California AG will file charges against her for violating the criminals civil rights. Wait for it.

  6. Auf wiedersehen, shitbag.

    - Juliet Lima

  7. Why did she have to shoot FIFTEEN TIMES!!??

    Because that Glock doesn't hold 20 rounds.

    1. LOL I'm waiting for the calls of "excessive force" since she fired more than 3 times (or continued firing after he "objected").

  8. Do not fire until threatened. Continue firing until no longer threatened.

    Good shoot. He was acting squirrelly from the beginning of the encounter.

  9. That's the strongest-possible argument for body-cams on ALL officers. Good job, Deputy!

  10. I'll be naming my next hawk Riley.

  11. take out the garbage. next!!

  12. Not a LEO here but that deal was eff'd up. He is reaching down below the seat before she has even started to move to the other side of the car and then she goes around back of the car, with the suspect out of her sight. Don't know if she had her gun drawn before, but as nervous as he was, I would have had it out.

    Maybe I misinterpreted what happened, but this officer is pretty lucky she didn't get injured or killed by this scumbag. If that analysis isn't right or I missed something, please point it out.

    Glad she put him down BTW.

  13.'s always easier in hindsight. And watch video you don't have all the other input she had (sounds, movement around her, etc.).
    Based on 39 years experience that was a good shoot and she had some luck. Luck is always good! Of course, that judgement would be for my jurisdiction, no idea what the airhead in California will rule.

  14. I love a story with a happy ending.

  15. I woke up hoping for good news on the barriers. This helps until the Commie Democrats see the light. I suggest that every time a U.S. citizen is attacked by one of these wetbacks, we randomly select a Democratic member of the House and execute him/her on national TV.

  16. @Retired Cop - no question it was a good shoot. Once the perp took a shot, all bets are off and he gets whatever comes his way. My point was more in her procedure. You are right that hindsight is 20/20. His movements probably look sketchier since we know he is a shooter.

  17. Why did she call "Shots fired!" before returning fire?
    Not a criticism, just wondering.
