Sunday, October 7, 2018

YGBSM: Leftards Think They Were Too Calm

h/t Patriot Retort

Politico "After failing to stop Kavanaugh's confirmation, Democrats wonder if it's time to be more ruthless."
 Yes, the Left is really that fucktarded.

Because falsely accusing an innocent man of sexual battery, rape, and then gang rape wasn't going far enough. Sending death threats to the man and to senators wasn't going far enough. Doxxing Republican senators wasn't going far enough. Gunning down GOP congressmen wasn't going far enough. Advocating all this, and beheading the president isn't going far enough.

Seriously, Sh*tForBrains Libtards, last warning:

Make one move in that direction, and this is where your party ends:

Same day. Hand to heaven.

You will be hunted for sport, tortured for pleasure, and dissected, alive, for practice.
And then, your families, lest the error multiply.

You're not as smart as feral hogs, not as hard to find as deer, and not as wary as bear, all of whose heads decorate legions of trophy walls from coast to coast. You'll last about a New York minute, which is ironically fitting.

Nobody's going to give you a proportional response, they're going to pay you back 1000:1 at minimum, and most likely, simply decide that you're all a luxury we can no longer afford.

You're going to start disappearing in batches, and your heads are going to be used as decorations in the town square. People will tell their grandkids about how you all went suddenly and completely extinct, and then your final resting places will, likely as not, be roadside ditches as you flee, in scenes reminiscent of the Highway To Hell from Kuwait City to Baghdad circa 1991. (And FTR, Canada doesn't want you, and Mexico will eat you for lunch, and those are the friendliest responses to your would-be refugee status. Cuba is liable to just sink your rafts at sea, and let sharks and crabs solve that problem without letting it get to their shores.) What happens to you will be used to frighten children around campfires for decades, and then you'll be completely forgotten.

And everyone else will nod their head, cluck their tongues, and mutter something like "Fucked around and found out..."

There won't be mass graveyards, you'll be scattered to the winds, or simply dumped.
A burned down house here, a toasted car there, and a lot of random body parts scattered by scavenger animals and carrion birds, until you devolve to coyote shit, maggot picnics, and worm food. And neither gated communities nor hired help are going to stop the mob or take a bullet for you when your turn comes, as you seem to wish with all your being to happen. Like Iraqi "police", when the time comes, there'll be open gates, little piles of empty uniforms, and vacant guard posts between you and a brief but frightful reckoning, which you'll greet with one helluva surprised look on your faces.

Nobody holds remembrance days for countless numbers of douchebags strung up from Hell to breakfast since pre-Revolutionary War times, at crossroads and gallows oaks from Maine to Mendocino. Savvy investors will go deep on rope and wire for what's in store for your ilk.

Committees of Vigilance, posses, and saddle-borne juries have ever had a ready solution to the problem of brigands and terrorists on this continent, and you'll be only a recent and yet unlamented chapter in that saga.

Your party's mascot will be either the dodo bird, or the passenger pigeon, and your living acolytes as numerous as either.

As it is, on the current course and speed, you're set to become the Whigs of the 21st century.

But if you just push a little harder, you can become the Jacobins or Royalists, who fed the hunger of Madame Guillotine with equal gusto, in their turn.

Keep pushing, will you? 
Well, if you do, 600M guns and half a trillion rounds of ammunition await your decision.

On average, those opposed to your would-be reign of terror will shoot twice, and go home, and you'll be 60-70M votes short in every election from here on out.

Call that toss in the air.
Some folks are getting tired of waiting, and may decide to start early.

And at that, they'd merely be giving you what you've already got coming.

As perennial only children raised by helicopter parents, you've mostly never learned that even your own brother, whom you've picked on relentlessly, will eventually break a table leg over your head when you push that last button. You're about to learn that lesson head-first.

Americans are a patient and long-suffering people. But not infinitely so.
And frankly, we've had just about enough of your bullshit, your threats, and your unhinged frothing lunacy, from top to bottom, from evil leadership to kneejerk chanting minions.

You're fate is hanging by a thin whisker, and you're dangling yourselves over the abyss on a fraying shoestring of goodwill.

And you just spent a solid month burning up the rule of law and presumption of innocence.

See how that level of jurisprudence serves you when you're the ones in the dock.
Some mistakes in life you don't get to make twice.

This won't be The Oxbow Incident, with all the judicial trimmings.
It's going to be Riot Control in Soylent Green.

The trucks are warming up around the corner, and the scoops are coming.

You might  want to call that party off before it starts. Because once it does, it's not going to be half-assed: it's going to be for keeps. And you're going to get sorted out once and for all.
No lawyers (who, indeed, are likely to be standing beside you when this kicks off), and no appeals. At least not any this side of pearly gates.
For keeps.

ADENNDUM: Phil says his piece.


  1. The trucks are warming up around the corner, and the scoops are coming.

    Force-feeding of liver pies will begin immediately until automated Soylent processing factories finish construction. Human silage pits will work as digesters until then.

    It's a matter of time commies, just keep it up.

  2. Do ya one better than the Soylant Green scooper

    I loves me some power equipment

  3. Well said.

    And re: what Joe Mama posted, nobody with a particle of brain wants to be around when that snow scooper starts throwing pink snow.

    I ran across leftists saying that they were too nice a couple of weeks ago on Miguel's blog. Too nice? I'll have to ask Steve Scalise what he thinks of that.

  4. Nicely done Aesop. You are correct I believe they are going to learn the hard way.

  5. What do we hang on our doors to let the Vigilance committees know we're cool? Related question, how will we differentiate between "The Reckoning" and the Counter-Reckoners? People tend to look the same holding ARs in Torchlight. Is there a call and response or...?
    Serious questions, btw. I'm sure some of this screed is a tad hyperbolic to drive the point home (must be a jarhead thing. Eloquent like only a sledgehammer could be. Oorah!) but none of this is hypothetical to me. When Civil War 2.0 hits it's going to look a lot less like Khmer Rouge with the good old boys leading the charge and a lot more like Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria, minus the hurricanes. Complete breakdown of civil infrastructure and supply lines. There will be IED warnings for the 405 next to the smog forecast and National Guard checkpoints doing their best East Germany impressions, or Israel if you want something current. Logistics like food and water delivery that don't have armed escorts will break down entirely and major population centers will have to face mass exodus and food riots for the first time ever. Starvation doesn't care who you voted for last year. Those canned beans are gonna run out eventually and unless you have a community run garden like some kind of gay hippie, what's the plan?
    There will be uniforms on the ground all right, but it'll be because Officer Krispy Kreme and Officer Chokeslam were never cut out for police work. Officers Trigger Happy and Loose Cannon, on the other hand, will already be hopping into their state issued APC in SWAT gear at the first sign of the Clampett militia rolling into town. What are all us working Joes supposed to do when we're caught in the middle of that cross-fire? Hunker down didn't work for the Alamo or Helm's Deep so I'm throwing that out straight away. Run to Grampy's cabin by the lake will work until the Librul Hunters find you and decide you look a little too Blue if they're hungry enough.
    One or two shots and go home is a very optimistic figure. Once that genie is out of the bottle, there's no putting it back. And let's say that the old soldier in you decides to feel Patriotic and go back to the base, rifle in hand, to serve God and Country. "Repoting for duty!" You better hope it ain't Colonel Singh or Captain Ortiz running that joint or you'll join the pile behind the brracks with all the other belligerents. (That's a collective "you" by the way because I'm asking everyone here)
    So what should I plan for? Because when the shooting starts, it's going to be chaos, and not the fun kind you settle down with some popcorn for.

    Bonus historical irony: the guy holding the gun in the black and white photo was on the losing side and regretted ending that guy's party for the rest of his days. Live by the sword and what not. God Bless and stay safe in these chaotic days.

  6. While Revenge is a dish best eaten cold it is sort of a one time thing and can engender regret. But with Super K now sitting on SCOTUS he will remember the rules of the game. The best rule is that "turnabout is fair play" so for the next 30-40 years he can run them down without ever having a moments regret and we will have pride in having supported him and not backing down.

    As for post 06Nov2018 sharpen your skinning knife, get your food and ammo ready for they will come and I hope that all of us will respond. Question of the day what weapon when properly sighted in is 1" up at 100 yards and zero at 200 yards is yours ready?

  7. What do we hang on our doors to let the Vigilance committees know we're cool?
    Your severed heads should do it.
    Related question, how will we differentiate between "The Reckoning" and the Counter-Reckoners? People tend to look the same holding ARs in Torchlight. Is there a call and response or...?
    What, you think the government is the only one who can make a list?
    Serious questions, btw. I'm sure some of this screed is a tad hyperbolic to drive the point home (must be a jarhead thing. Eloquent like only a sledgehammer could be. Oorah!) but none of this is hypothetical to me.
    Actually, I was underselling it.
    When Civil War 2.0 hits it's going to look a lot less like Khmer Rouge with the good old boys leading the charge and a lot more like Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria, minus the hurricanes. Complete breakdown of civil infrastructure and supply lines. There will be IED warnings for the 405 next to the smog forecast and National Guard checkpoints doing their best East Germany impressions, or Israel if you want something current. Logistics like food and water delivery that don't have armed escorts will break down entirely and major population centers will have to face mass exodus and food riots for the first time ever. Starvation doesn't care who you voted for last year. Those canned beans are gonna run out eventually and unless you have a community run garden like some kind of gay hippie, what's the plan?
    You're confusing a purge with a disaster.
    Every day of this one, things get better; that was your mistake.
    There will be uniforms on the ground all right, but it'll be because Officer Krispy Kreme and Officer Chokeslam were never cut out for police work. Officers Trigger Happy and Loose Cannon, on the other hand, will already be hopping into their state issued APC in SWAT gear at the first sign of the Clampett militia rolling into town. What are all us working Joes supposed to do when we're caught in the middle of that cross-fire?
    Ain't no one rolling to get between you and the Reckoning. That'll be the second Big Shock, come the day. They'll stay home, like they do in every major event. Then afterwards, there'll be the survivors' side, and...silence.
    Hunker down didn't work for the Alamo or Helm's Deep so I'm throwing that out straight away. Run to Grampy's cabin by the lake will work until the Librul Hunters find you and decide you look a little too Blue if they're hungry enough.
    One or two shots and go home is a very optimistic figure. Once that genie is out of the bottle, there's no putting it back. And let's say that the old soldier in you decides to feel Patriotic and go back to the base, rifle in hand, to serve God and Country. "Repoting for duty!" You better hope it ain't Colonel Singh or Captain Ortiz running that joint or you'll join the pile behind the brracks with all the other belligerents. (That's a collective "you" by the way because I'm asking everyone here)

    Don't need a base. Two shots and go home is an accurate statement of the most optimistic odds you'll see. It may only be one. This is a zero-sum game, and it doesn't take much to tip that balance permanently. And not much more than that to end debate for some good time; we're talking decades. Cuba, China, and Venezuela aren't coming here to save your asses. The Left is going to find Mao wasn't bullshitting about where power comes from.

    1. The government aint the only one making lists. They're just the best at it. Better than any Reddit or 4chan wunderkind or any message board that thinks the Feds don't know how the dark web works. They have lists of people who MIGHT go soveriegn citizen on their ass. When it comes to draining swamps or prosecuting TBTF banks they drag their feet, but they don't screw around when it comes to money or challenges to their authority. They have a nice cell in Guantanamo for anyone who wants to argue the point. Your new roommate, Big Ali, can't wait to meet you.
      Like I said before, serious questions here. I'm burning the first severed head house I see and every amateur surgeon at the dissection party is getting strung up right next to the others. Any vigilance committees or Antifa wannabes who want to be play ball in my neighborhood gets to meet my and all my neighbors' Ryder trucks and pickups, cuz ye ain't bringing that shit here.
      I'm glad to hear you were underselling it. Sounds like we're on the same page. When it hits, people are going to be begging for these days again. I'll take liberals whining about Supreme Court justices over civil war any day of the week, 365, forever and so will everyone sharpening their knives in anticipation. If you don't believe me, ask the fine folks in Aleppo how that all worked out for them. And yes, Russia will meddle in this too.
      No mistakes here, purges are disasters. This ain't an after school special, folks. It doesn't get better. Ever. Period. And if the cops decide to stay for this one, it'll mean we've gone full Soviet Union and the pillars of society are about to come crashing down. Everyone will get to have their little purge, then wake up next week and wonder why the supermarket shelves are empty while Generalissimo Jimbo is passing out flyers to join up (spoiler, the other option is you die). Survivors will be made up of about the same demographics as now only fewer. The other side will be... the same because China, Cuba, Cambodia, Russia, and all the other purge-tastic countries got their killing on with government support. That ain't happening here. Left and Right and Center are going to have their fantasies shattered when no one comes to save any of them and instead the tanks roll in and start rounding up dissidents. If anyone thinks Trump is going to smile and hand out rifles to the nut jobs looking to start a purge, you need to find the business end of a baseball bat with your face until you snap out of it. It's not going to be Left vs Right. It's going to be .Gov vs everyone else.

  8. (cont.)
    So what should I plan for? Because when the shooting starts, it's going to be chaos, and not the fun kind you settle down with some popcorn for.
    A speedy trial, and fine public hanging. Dress is come-as-you-are.
    Bonus historical irony: the guy holding the gun in the black and white photo was on the losing side and regretted ending that guy's party for the rest of his days. Live by the sword and what not.
    Bonus reality: The guy holding the gun had already had his entire family slaughtered by the communists. Like they do. The recidivism rate of the shitbag he shot was 0%. The only thing the shooter regretted was that he couldn't shoot them all, until the end of his days.
    And the VC were essentially wiped out completely, forever, after that little soiree.

    The Leftards will either get a major clue, and start dialing this bullshit down, or join the endangered species list.
    I'm past caring which they choose.
    Your circus, your monkeys. Wrangle them, or set your affairs in order.
    Their lunacy isn't funny any more.

    1. Speedy trials and public hangings are for sure coming, but we all knew that. The trouble is they have a bad habit of not stopping and pretty soon you and me are gonna be the guests of honor. Madame Guillotine is a lot of things, but she ain't picky.
      The Commie shooter actually changed his tune later in life. The photo led to more anti-war sentiment and we pulled out of there soon after. And yes the recidivism rate of individual shitbags are 0, this is true, but the guys painting 'Ho Chi Minh' on the Saigon signs don't really care either way. So it goes.
      I also don't think the Leftards are going to get a clue anytime soon, so when the debris starts flying and heads from every side of the political spectrum start rolling, what's the game plan? Serious answers please.
      God Bless and keep prepping, y'all! It's never too late to learn a new skill. Like crafting beer. As a wise man once said, if Atilla the Hun rolls up on your doorstep and you hand him a Cold One, he's your friend.

  9. Yep, a lot of things go through a commie's mind when the comrade's next to him are dripping from his face, that coppery fatty taste of blood and brain trickles into his mouth.

    Like, "Oh shit, maybe this LARPing faggotry ain't the lulz it used to be."

  10. The best part is that the fools have pretty much literally backed themselves into corners geographically.
    Cut off a few choke points and take your time, it'll be like shooting fish in a barrel.

  11. I have the good fortune to own my own backhoe, a wonderful tool.

  12. As a wise man once said, if Atilla the Hun rolls up on your doorstep and you hand him a Cold One, he's your friend.

    Or Attila cuts your head off and uses it as a beer holder, his buddies drink the rest of your liquor while raping your wife and daughter and barbecues your dog in the ashes of your home.

    Not wise to appease communists.

    1. Atilla wasn't a communist, ya goof. And anyway, if you have an indispensable skill like making top notch brewskis, you get the rape pass. Doctors, blacksmiths and sail makers in pirate society knew this too. Everyone has your back because without your skills, life sucks or ends very quickly. What I'm saying is become invaluable and all wives, daughters, sons and dogs will be safe from the rapin and pillagin. As safe as one can be in dire times, anyway. Now, if Atilla rolls up and you pick up a sword and tell the guy to get off your damn lawn... well, you know the rest.

  13. Sounds like we're on the same page. When it hits, people are going to be begging for these days again. I'll take liberals whining about Supreme Court justices over civil war any day of the week, 365, forever and so will everyone sharpening their knives in anticipation.

    Like I've been telling folks for years.
    The problem is, the Left thinks they want this, and the people trying to hold it back are losing interest in that.

  14. The commie demonrat left engages in this abusive misconduct for a very simple reason. BECAUSE THEY CAN. While it doesn't always work it has worked in the past
    (Judge Roy Moore and Judge Robert Bork to name a couple). But the main reason they do this is because it COSTS THEM NOTHING in terms of power and privilege and damn little money considering who bankrolls much of this leftist insanity. Till the people engaging in this blatant assault on liberty, decency, morality and the law
    actually suffer consequences PERSONALLY they have no reason, no motivation and no intention of ending this three ring circus of lies and abuse.

  15. The minute this civil war 2.0 happens and gets going, you can bet that China will disable our satellites with emp's/killer satellites, disable out ground power grid with cyber warfare, maybe launch a few selective nukes and march their happy asses over here. Russia might join them.

    Fuck this up here in the USA and the void of no solid leadership and the chaos that ensues will invite a strong, organized guest to fill in, because nature abhors a vacuum.

    I'd be nice to see these liberals gone, but this is a waaaaaaaayyy bigger problem than just headhunting retards.

    1. Amen, brother. You just know there's a line going round the corner of countries waiting to get in on this action. And if China rolls up and offers a cool 20 billion to build a teeny tiny naval base nearby, what cash strapped rebel general or military governor would turn that down? Especially when they know the offer's going straight to the other guys.

  16. What event or incident do think triggers the Reckoning? What will it take for someone or a group of someones to finish what the left started? Maybe you addressed this in another post but I missed it.

  17. I second these ideas, provided that the "helicopter parents" referred to in the article are ALSO given the same treatment. It is the parents who told their children that they were "special", and rewarded them with their very own smart phones and social media accounts at age 12. It is the parents who pay the university tuition. It is the parents who voted the progressive asshats into state and national offices over the past couple of decades. There is little sense in eradicating the symptom without also destroying the disease at its source.

  18. Come on Aesop - stop fucking around and tell us how you REALLY feel.

    That said, the idea of such happening is doubly scary to me because I belong to the cohort most likely to check out in the initial stages: old, regular consumer of medical services to maintain life, not an imposing physical specimen.
    Comforting thoughts:
    1) At least it's too late for me to die before my time.
    2) If I live long enough to empty my first magazine I will have done enough damage to pay them back for my loss.
