Thursday, October 4, 2018

What A Laser Targeting System Looks Like

h/t Irish


  1. Democrats: "The FBI scope was too limited by the White House because Ford and Kavanaugh were not interviewed!"

    Democrats if Ford and Kavanaugh had been included in the additional investigation: "Dr. Ford has been extensively interviewed by the Senate Committee, why does the White House want to subject her to additional trauma with an FBI interview?"

  2. Christine Crazy Fraud should be prosecuted. Her lawyer should be prosecuted. Senator Chi-Fi should be prosecuted. Ms. Gang-Bang of 1982-2012 should be prosecuted, and so should "Lawyer to the world's whores" Avenatti.

    The only way to stop this shit is to throw a bunch of lying assholes into jail - word will get around not to repeat their mistakes as soon as the President Tweets about it, which is to say in about 5 seconds.

    Anyone who wants a repeat of this fiasco of a confirmation process should go back to their circle jerk.

  3. Hey Aesop;

    They need to start charging and prosecute these deep state clowns for perjury, if they don't, the rule of law is dead.

    1. The rule of law does when Hillary was let free from indictment. Looking back, how stupid of any of us to believe that there was even a sliver of a chance that would happen.

  4. Presuming -- yes, Aesop, I know, that's no different from assuming :) -- that Kavanaugh is confirmed, we should all expect the protests against him to continue through the rest of the year, because the lunatic snowflakes will not stop their screed of false emotional outrage.

  5. Re: continuing protests. Perhaps then the Senate will get tired of it and investigate who is funding the protesters.

  6. If the Progtards get a one-two spank of Kavanaugh getting confirmed, and then getting their asses handed to them at the mid-terms, I fully expect their heads to explode, and then they'll go for Days of Baby-crying Rage v2.0.

    Get your cameras ready.

    1. 35 mm cameras, or 7.62 mm cameras?

      Asking for a friend.
