Monday, September 10, 2018

In Case You Were Wondering "Who's Next" After Alex Jones... UPDATED

Cold Fury was nuked today.

Hopefully, Mike pops up somewhere like Gab.
If you hear of such, let us know in comments.

As this blog (and twenty others) were on his recommended list, we expect to disappear anytime your Leftard overlords decide it's time to purge the 'net.

Maybe. Maybe not. If it happens, it happens.
Either way:

UPDATE: According to Mr. Porretto, this is a $$ deal, and not a Badthink deal. From comments:
Francis W. Porretto said...
Mike is merely behind on his payments to Hosting Matters. He had a serious car-repair bill to foot, and as he makes his living with his car (He drives for Lyft), that had to come first. Hosting Matters doesn't show a lot of love to clients in arrears.

If you want to help Mike, send him a few bucks.

Unfortunately, without his site, we would seem to lack a link to do so.
Again, in Comments for resolution of that lack, if you please.

"That's some catch, that Catch-22!" - Captain John Joseph Yossarian

UPDATED UPDATE: Mike's e-mail is reported as

If you can, hook a brother up.


  1. Who was his site hosting with?

    If you rock the boat, and depend on third parties for hosting beyond DNS and paid web space on a server somewhere, you should not be surprised if said 3rd party expresses their displeasure with you and yours by ejecting you from their service.

  2. Blogger/blogspot is fairly easy to back-up to your computer or thumbdrive. Settings/Other/Back up Content/Save to computer

    It is like wearing a seat belt. Or carrying a couple of spare magazines.

  3. Thanks for the tip, Joe.
    I just backed up both blogs.

    Pissed that I have to even think about it, but the disk space is just sitting there, so WTH...
    I'd be more pissed to have some 20-something SJW decide to torch a decade of my life with a mouseclick.

  4. He has something on gab, but hasn't posted in 6mos..

  5. I've been to Cold Fury pretty regularly and never saw anything I'd think of as "forbidden". So why?

  6. "We're SJWs. We do it because we can."

  7. I wonder how hard it is to find out who the network admins are.

  8. I'm bent; I'd be more interested in where they live.

  9. That is rather strange. Like SIG said, I have never seen anything out of the ordinary that we are used to. I tried that wayback machine and it hasn't got anything past May 10th of 2017. I'll keep my eyes open on other blogs to see if there are any reports as to what might have happened.

  10. Maybe it's time to think about establishing "reorganize and consolidate" plans - where to link up in the event that a site is taken down.

  11. If I have to bail from here, or you click on my link and get the "Aesop doesn't live here anymore" notice, my first choice will likely be something on
    Second choice will be paid hosting, at a site TBD.

    If neither of those work out, march towards the mushroom clouds; that'll be me.

  12. 56.6K will move a lot of text.... just sayin'

    Man the BBS and shove off!

  13. I'm chirping in while you can read me, for what it's worth. I relish your pearls of wisdom, no matter how rough you lay it out. I can tell by your salty tongue, you have walked the walk. Either that or you've spent a lot of time at the VFW or Am Legion post paying attention.
    Bravo Zulu for your attention to duty and trying to read the tea leaves to let it be known what is yet to come.

  14. Hey Aesop;

    Several of the groups I follow on Facebook have backup sites on MEWE, and since I use blogspot also, how do I backup my blog, I use blogspot and I would hate to see my stuff since 2011 just go *poof*

  15. If the site was a normal .com domain it might be related to tech or heaven forfend money problems . I haven't with a single exception seen any such sites messed with and even that site, the Daily Stormer seems to be out there

    Now if he was hosted elsewhere like blogspot or the like, it might be political. Its odd no matter what as Cold Fury was laid back site and maybe only slightly more offensively right wing than PJ Media if that.

  16. Up to now, I've been pretty cool on the idea of regulating Big Tech. I don't like regulation, in almost any case.

    But if they're going to play that way, screw it. Regulate them out the wazoo. I want to see the bastards bleed.

    (Ink, of course, in case you admins are eavesdropping. I would never want your actual blood to be shed. Heaven forbid.)

  17. I’ve been a lurker at both Cold Fury and here, is there a way to find out what happened in specific? The last post I was aware of was was last Friday night or Saturday.

  18. I have my blog hosted on a Lightsail instance over at AWS, has cost appx. $4/mo and I've got my own dedicated (virtual) server running Wordpress on Apache on Linux. Plus I have snapshots of the machine instance so if something ever goes sideways I just nuke it and reboot a cloned machine image. It's a little coin, but I'm not at the whims of facebook/twitter/google. Local backup of the post content, and an AWS snapshot of the entire site.

  19. Aesop--

    If you want to talk about getting set up on your own domain, I'm glad to talk you through it via email or on Mr. Bell's delightful device. You can hit me up at John at my web domain.

    It would be some work for you to get switched over to a self-hosted Wordpress or similar, but it's pretty straightforward and not a ton of money.

    It obviously didn't help Cold Fury, but my money is on him being behind on his hosting bill or over his bandwidth allowance for the month or some other sort of administrivia rather than having been unpersoned for badthink.

    Anyway, small domain registrars and hosting companies just have fewer idle employees wandering the halls looking to make trouble than do FAGT (Faceboot, Apple, Google, Twitter, etc.), so I think they are a better bet long-term.

    Hit me up if you want to talk. The offer is good for other visitors of this fine establishment, too.

  20. Mike is merely behind on his payments to Hosting Matters. He had a serious car-repair bill to foot, and as he makes his living with his car (He drives for Lyft), that had to come first. Hosting Matters doesn't show a lot of love to clients in arrears.

    If you want to help Mike, send him a few bucks.

  21. Thanks, sir.
    I'm posting that update on the main post.

  22. Anyone know his paypal address or can tell me/us how how to send him money via snail mail?


  23. Yep, Fran has the right of it. Not Hosting Matters' fault by any means, I'm just kind of treading water financially and a big ol' wave swamped my broke ass. Nothing that can't be fixed if I can dig the part I need out of a junkyard someplace, which I'm working on now, and...

    What? A friggin' HURRICANE coming? Worse than Hugo was?!?


    I think PayPal donations can be made by referring to the e-mail address I use with them, which is Not entirely sure about that, I'll check on that later. Right now, it's back to trolling the scrapyards for me. Thanks, guys.

  24. Just put that on the blog post, and sent you an e-mail.

  25. Mike's Cold Fury is back up as of now.
