Thursday, September 27, 2018

Hearing Highlights

America has had many great courtroom scenes, but you won't see any of them live today.
So enjoy instead these far better examples of high courtroom drama, and legal farce.

If only for seeing farce that's at least believable, and to hearken back to a time when basic legal principles were better understood by the common person.

UPDATE: To whomever sent Sen. Lindsey Graham a backbone and a set of testicles, my sincere thanks. I don't believe I've ever seen him piss lava like that before, for any reason.
I don't want to get too optimistic, but there may be a shred of hope for the republic yet.


  1. Agree about Graham, especially since he seemed his usual non-committal low-key self during the break. Don't believe I've ever seen that from him & I get alot of retired chances (usually during blizzards) to partake of hearings on CSPAN in the morning. Whatever it was, put it in a jar & make it part of his daily meds.

  2. its rent-a-nuts, hope he doesn't miss a payment

  3. Maybe, just maybe Graham will share with his 49 fellow Republicans in the Senate and get this charade over with. After all, Ruth Badger Gingberg’s clock is running out.

  4. @ June J: It's Ruth Vader Ginsburg. Let's not denigrate a hardworking animal.

  5. Well he did suck off the the two trannies, Kagan and Sotomayor so I defend his theatrics. It's not easy being a tiny homo without your puppet Viet Cong protector around anymore.

    And since I embrace tiny homos if they commit to the fight against communism, welcome aboard

  6. Good choices there. The Caine Mutiny is a favourite and funnily enough I watched it again a few days ago. Jose Ferrer as Barney Greenwald "......I'd much rather prosecute" he says and we all feel the same about those Democrat assholes.

  7. I gotta wonder, did McCain walk into a room where Graham was doing....WHAT? He's not even the same species he was when Johnny was on this side of the grass.

    My favorite courtroom scene is Gary Cooper in Fountainhead. Hollywood had it's head screwed on in those days.
