Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Come Monday

Fifteen minutes into the future...







  1. LOL You've got a wicked sense of humour!

  2. LOL! What more can I say?

  3. Well Kavanaugh has lawyered up with a big time lawyer who's specialty is ...defamation. So, this nutjob may be getting a nice little civil suit coming her way? Trump releasing the kraken with the declassification and unredacted comms, it seems like Christmas in September! We still have 31 day of glorious October... My popcorn stock is depleted have to run to Costco for more popcorn.

    Great meme!

  4. Bringing this up is not only to stop Kavanaugh. They are setting up the Republican committee members to look as if they are beating up the victim for voters to remember in November. If they can lose a few of them as well as stop Kavanaugh, they did well.

  5. That plan is moot; she's gone into hiding.
    That's what you do when your lunatard fabulism won't withstand even superficial scrutiny.

  6. Excellent meme=ing.

    And if she's in hiding lets find her, drag her into the public square, and have her fellate a flamethrower. Flick a Bic on this bitch.

  7. Where do they find these people? This isn't just the ivory tower this is a reality deprivation chamber.

  8. Perhaps a few more questions;
    Ms Lord, what was a 15 year old girl doing at a house party at night with a bunch of drunken older boys?? Were you drinking too? How did you get there, or get home? Did your parents know where you were? Did they know what you were doing there? Have you done this before or after?

  9. Those are questions germane to her parents back in the day, and not a court of law nor a Senate hearing room, ever.

    The ones I laid out go to the point of showing that she is completely unreliable.
    The ones you've laid out would be seen, rightly, as "victim blaming".
    She may have been a drunken slut, but even drunken sluts get raped (actually, probably more than others, QED).

    That's the exact trap the Left is angling for here.

    The trick is to show the witness' allegations are wholly false and likely sheer fantasy, without attacking her and making her the martyr here, over an alleged crime that clearly was never committed.

    You want to demonstrate that she's completely unreliable, without making her the object of sympathy.

    Do not iron clothes while wearing.
    Wearing cape does not allow user to fly.

  10. More believable than the official narrative.

  11. The first nine panels and the last one, are the official narrative.

    I only extrapolated the eight in between.
