Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Baby Steps

If you haven't been paying attention (and if you haven't, WTF not??), since last week, "Sam Culper" at Forward Observer has been giving you bite-sized chunks to bulk up on, in order to establish your own intelligence collection and analysis element for anything from a petty local annoyance to a societal meltdown.

You will see this material again, ladies.

BONUS: Whereas for humping a ruck, kicking in doors, and shooting people in the face, gray hair, flat feet, a beer belly, and years of life experience and "what-about-next?" wisdom are generally a detriment, for information collection, analysis, and intelligence production they are a positive boon.

Mission drives Intelligence; Intelligence drives the Fight.

And presenting yourself accurately as someone who can either collect, collate, prioritize and/or analyze multiple sources and disparate types of information, and determine critical gaps that need to be filled with the missing data, precisely assessing their reliability and relevance, and from them make accurate and verifiably logical assessments about what's happening, and what might happen (best case, worst case, middle case, likeliest case), and doing that in real time, is about as valuable to anyone or any group with an IQ above two digits as being able to can food, reload ammunition, or render treatment for traumatic injuries, in anything a community might experience, from a local brushfire to a civil war, and anything in between.

Get thee hence. Read. Learn. Do.

He's dropping rubies on the ground for you. FREE ones.

Four, so far, doubtless with more to follow (besides on-line and in-person training).
And I included his suggestions for gear whores (that would be approximately 99.9% of us), if you want to do this right.

Shopping List

Intelligence production doesn't require military experience (though that adds another useful ingredient to your cake), just common sense and logical thought habits.

You can know and be able to find out what's going on; or you can stay "stuck on stupid".

And in unpleasant or spicy times, you will either be the master of intelligence, or its bitch, due to the lack of it. That can be a fatal mistake. Your very last one.

Your call, folks.


  1. Thank you for pointing this out. Am thinking over a subscription to his info.

  2. Aesop---thread shift.

    Have you been noticing the small but exponential (NO CAMELS INVOLVED) H2H "outbreak" of MERS-CoV in Saudi??

    Via Promedmail:

    Published Date: 2018-09-04 10:48:28
    Subject: PRO/AH/EDR> MERS-CoV (33): Saudi Arabia: (QS) RFI
    Archive Number: 20180904.6006491

    A ProMED-mail post
    ProMED-mail is a program of the
    International Society for Infectious Diseases

    Date: Tue 4 Sep 2018
    Source: Saudi MOH [edited]

    Date: Tue 4 Sep 2018
    Case no. 18-1746
    MERS in Buraidah city: 52-year-old male in Buraidah city, Qaseem region.
    Contact with camels: no
    Case classification: under investigation
    Outcome: hospitalized

    Communicated by:

    [I am wondering if there is an as yet undefined outbreak of MERS-CoV infection ongoing in Buraidah, Al Qasim region. This is now the 3rd case reported from Buraidah in 4 days, and the 4th case reported in Al Qasim in 4 days. In this case, there is clear mention of the classification of the case -- primary vs secondary -- being still under investigation.

    We await further information when available.

    For the HealthMap/ProMED map of Saudi Arabia, see
    For a detailed map of Al Qasim region Saudi Arabia, see - Mod.MPP]

    I'd USUALLY want to e-mail this sort of off-thread thing to ya...given my normal iNEThome is awash with news hounds.

  3. I have nothing to compare it to which would indicate whether or not it's anything abnormal.

  4. I didn't realize 7th ID was back in existence.

  5. Just read on foxnews two international flights paris & munich landed in philadelphia with passengers experiencing flu like symptoms.

  6. Flu-like symptoms is meaningless; I daresay fifty people a day land from anywhere in every airport with flu-like symptoms.

  7. Aesop: Typically, I'd agree with you. OTOH, on what possible basis could Da Nooz figger that this is the stuff that they want to use, this week, to stir up the proles?

    Unless you might consider this to be the latest thrashing of the "Nooo! Not Trump!" snake, and this was the only thing that they could find to distract us from (say) Mr. Kavanaugh's confirmation hearings (now that the brats are swept out, that is).

    Gotta admit, in keeping with your admonition to read Mr. Culper's material at Forward Observer, I am one of the "What happened?" people ref the shenanigans at the national level.

    Thank you for all that you do.

  8. Check out Butembo, next city for Ebola, with a start fatality.

    I know, numbers numbers numbers.

    Night driver
