Wednesday, August 29, 2018

When It Walks like A Duck, And Quacks Like A Duck...

First, local authorities moved in on a compound in NM where jihadis were planning on attacking an Atlanta hospital, and training children to commit terror attacks. The remains of a child were found on-site, and later ID'ed as a missing 3-yr old.

Then, the initial raid missed some weapons on the site, and authorities had to go back at the property owner's request to collect them.

Then, within a day or two, the compound was bulldozed into oblivion, despite the entire site being the notional scene of multiple state and federal crimes.

Next, a federal judge dismissed most of the child abuse charges immediately.

Today, he threw out all remaining charges except those related to the missing 3-year-old, which leaves them free to disappear on bond. 

Much like the still nebulous Las Vegas shooting case, where it turns out nearly a year later that the missing girlfriend of the shooter patsy found dead at the scene (with no rationale, no coherent story, no motive for the attack, an airplane now owned by CIA Front Company Inc., and no source of income for millions of dollars) was, in fact, an FBI employee (which material fact the FBI must have known within minutes of the story breaking), there's really only one rational conclusion in either case:

This was an intelligence op that got pooch-screwed.

The only time the government moves this fast, and things turn around so conveniently for such red-handedly-guilty jihadis caught mid-plot, is because these @$$clowns are government assets of some sort, and the locals jumping into the parade when they stumbled into the child jihad program screwed the pooch for some big thing the feds (FBI, CIA, NSA, BATFE, take your pick) were planning on springing, for whatever purpose, whether it was another Fast & Furious clown show, another OKC bombing, another WTC like event, or God alone knows what else. So the word has been passed from on high to make this whole affair go away, quickly, and that's exactly what's happening.



  1. Like Las Vegas this whole thing STINKS. So who's the Fed judge? We already know Taos County judge is bent.

  2. OK, sorry to not have seen the link, my vision was blurred by the red in my eyes. Sooooooo... Taos County prosecutors missed the ten-day window? Did they have other more pressing business?
    How bout some Fed charges?
    How bout a Grand Jury?
    The Civilized World wonders

  3. "Disappear on bond."

    They are now non-hardened targets.

  4. Free on bond...

    And why not? Stare carefully into those faces...their humanity would shame the best of us...almost Christ-like....

  5. Isn't it interesting how fast the "authorities" completely wiped out all traces of the compound?

  6. Judge for a Day: "The Fed, being duplicitous in the screwing of said pooch, leaves me no recourse other than to declare you Outlaws, in the strictest, most classical use of the word. You have no protection in the United States, no umbrella of justice, no legal recourse for ANYthing. You are now, in essence, fair game. Begin your run, time starts now.

  7. The judge, likely more pissed than WE are, had damn-all he could do and still stay within the law.

    HATE it when that happens.

  8. >Isn't it interesting how fast the "authorities" completely wiped out all traces of the compound?

    Indeed. "Nothing to see here, folks. Move along," is a hoary trope. It's not all that often that they go to the effort of actually making it so.

  9. @Anon 6:52
    Yeah, because you know how it is when you have a case with national and international implications: you know how hard it can be for little things like make-or-break 10-day deadlines to just whip right by you and undermine your entire legal case.

    This happens all the time, right?
    The last time something like this happened, they threw half of the White Sox out of baseball for life.

  10. All so obvious now; and they still have their hijabs on in their mugshots? Yeah, they let me wear my ninja mask for my DUI on halloween...

  11. This at least shows the FBI is as incompetent as ever in their planning false flag events.

  12. Perhaps I'm going too far down the rabbit hole, but it seems to me that all these "obvious false flag attempts" are a pattern that could be a set-up. Keep exposing clown shows on purpose, then when the next false flag is presented ( that will make someone serious coin like 9/11 ), it won't be as cartoonish. On purpose. It will tend to be believed. Now, granted, I'm just spitballing here. It could be the simplest explanation holds. The Feds are just THAT terrible at their jobs. From a crappy Italian "sniper" rifle firing a magic bullet to a third tower untouched still pancaking, it seems they don't even try to lie to us well at all. Just throwing this out there as a possibility.
