Sunday, July 15, 2018

From Remus' page: So far, so good

We note with enthusiastic optimism and no small relief the update on Ol' Remus' Woodpile Report currently reads:
"looking good so far"
Shortly after he posted late Monday that he would be missing the week's scheduled Tuesday edition, an update note later indicated he was receiving medication for pain relief, was too out of it to post much more, and was apparently headed for imminent surgery.

Whatever misadventure took place, we're hoping it's but a brief waylay, and offer the distinguished gentleman from Appalachia and family our sincere best wishes for a full and rapid recovery from whatever it is that befell him.

Aaaaand...He's back!Great news, and a new Woodpile Report. Cause for celebration.


  1. That's some glad news there. Thank you.

    OT: Is there a permalink or such that goes to the Basic Training topics (the 2x 7 day/week mastergem that you did) such that one could send that link to someone else & they can review the whole bargain, in order?
    Thanks sir.

  2. I've tagged them all with the "basic training" tab, but you still have to scroll through them backwards if you click on that.

    I lack the mad blogspot skillz to do something handier.

    And while I've been busy with life and other topics, I still owe a good bit on them, but the way to make fate laugh is to announce your plans for the future.

    I'll be getting back to them momentarily, with a view to finishing the whole series up, hopefully throughout the rest of this month.

  3. Thanks, no worries. Good thing you did there, though.
    Fate, lol... the moon is not the only harsh mistress. Roger.

  4. I was horrified when I saw mention of this on Kenny's site. I did see Remus' note last Tuesday and just figured he was having more trouble with the website.

    Prayers for Ol' Remus that he makes a swift recovery and returns to his usual sour self.

  5. Thanks for the good news. It's good indeed.

  6. Thank you for the update. I enjoy reading his weekly observations and links. I'm really glad to hear his condition is stable and hope his recovery is quick and painless.

  7. I absolutely love that old man. Speedy recovery please.

  8. He's back. 7-17 dated post on 7-15.

  9. My prayer is for the comfort and healing power of His Holy Spirit to bring Ole' Remus back our way . In Jesus mighty Name . Amen

  10. Good news. I wish him full healing.
