Monday, April 16, 2018

Important Safety Tip

h/t Kenny


  1. My Momma made me promise to wear a helmet when I got my first scooter, and it was a never-ending torment from my riding buddies. On a late Thanksgiving night in the '70s I got a tank slapper from hell on the Gulf Freeway and ended up ruining my helmet when I was thrown clear. I mostly walked away, but the helmet was toast. Still wear one to this day.

  2. Helmets are not to keep you alive, they are to prevent a closed coffin.

  3. I can speak from experience that a helmet must be worn. No serious rider rides without a helmet. Without a helmet, I'd have no right external ear and that side of my head would be a different shape and covered in scar tissue.

  4. Saw a dude come off a 3 wheeler on HY285 coming out of the mountains. Had a helmet on but landed on his face. I wore full face after that.

  5. Road rash sucks.
    Good leather is also mandatory.
