Thursday, January 11, 2018

O Give Me A F**king Break!

h/t Kenny

Baltimoron press liars are butthurt, with no idea what's going on:
(BALTIMORE)The University of Maryland Medical System is investigating an incident at its midtown campus in Baltimore in which a woman is seen on video outside the hospital wearing just a gown.
The video shows what looks like four security guards, one with a wheelchair, walking away from a bus stop outside the hospital on the outskirts of Mount Vernon. A woman is seen near the bus stop dressed in a gown and socks. Her belongings are packed in plastic bags that have also been placed at the bus stop.

Without any more information than they had before publishing, I give you the following:

Real answer, to a 99.9997% certainty:

Homeless troll with a cartload of her trash showed up at the ER looking for bed and breakfast indefinitely because it was cold outside, and the shelter would have made her get rid of her booze and dope first, no medical emergency existed, and then she refuses to leave when discharged, after wasting the staff's time and skipping out on $1K or more of medical care and testing to determine that she was only full of shit and lice.
She's in a patient gown (which is the only clean thing she's had on in a month) because her clothes, pried off her body by staff in hazmat suits, have become so matted, wet, sweaty, filthy, and vermin-infestedly disgusting even she doesn't want to put them back on, and are part of what's in all those plastic bags.

This only happens about daily to weekly in every ER I've worked in, going back a mere twenty years, especially from October to March.

And the fuckwits that complain about this kind of bullshit without knowing their asses from a hole in the ground can't figure out why they're still sitting their fat asses in my waiting room 6-8 hours later, because I can't get a fat troll like this to put on her clothes, gather her forty-seven shopping bags of shit, and GTFO so I can decon her room and see a real patient, until three security guards and two techs "help" her hit the bricks.

And if she had met the criteria for a mental health hold, the same assholes would be bitching that she was incarcerated against her will and her civil rights violated for keeping her in the hospital.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Simple answer: Open hunting season, and start shooting them on sight. If the assholes are going to bitch either way, at least get the satisfaction of solving the problem once and for all.

Thank your congress shitweasel for voting EMTALA into law.

She should be chained up in leg irons, and forced to shovel snow on the public roads to pay her bill and fine and cover the cost of green bologna sandwiches, in lieu of six months' jail time.

Also notable: no one's asking WTF her own family is in all this (because they intuitively know already they're a bunch of no-account shitbags too), but they're more than happy to portray the hospital, which did more for her than anyone has probably in forever, as the villains.

And fuck those giving this kind of shitheadedness "a voice". They deserve a bayonet right up the ass to the hilt, and then spun around a bit.


  1. AMEN. I tried to post similar on Daily Mail article, and it wouldn't go through. It's not what they want to hear.

  2. So true. I had a patient who is a 911 operator and she says they call all the time for an ambulance to take them to the hospital. It is the same ones over and over. They know a good thing when they see it.

  3. Well it certainly helps that the "young woman" who needed a "voice" is a member of a special group.
    Out west here our "homeless" are much paler; I dunno if our medical folks are encountering the same thing but as you note, it's most likely universal.
    A few years after cleaning up shanty towns all along our creeks by the simple law of "you can't camp outside of a campground inside city limits"; they're back - and the camps are exponentially larger. I can only imagine the fouling of ALL of our creeks. Apparently the cops cannot roust these folks anymore when a) the shelters are full and b) the nighttime temps are below 40 F.
    If it's against city code for me not to pick up after my dog, why is it OK for bums to shit all over town?
    Boat Guy

  4. Proving yet again that you should not feed the animals. It creates dependency and a learned helplessness. Rand was right, their only weapon is our own unwillingness to recognize that we are the enablers of this foolishness. Come the ice age, I suspect that they will either learn different or die.


  5. Damn Man! Tell us how you really feel! LOL!

  6. Based on my own coming into contact with people like this over the years, I would say that chances are good that her own family has washed their hands of her. The family has very possibly tried for many years to get their offspring/sibling off drugs, off the street, into rehab, into mental health care, into occupational therapy, etc and all to no avail. Eventually they get used up and burned out, both emotionally and financially, trying to help their family member who ultimately does not want to be helped. Rather, this defective human wants only to be forever enabled, at no cost to herself, in the lifestyle she has chosen.

    The only thing that will help such a person is to be allowed to fully experience all of the consequences of the poor decisions and poor lifestyle choices she has made over the years. Said consequences to include having to sleep outside in winter weather. There is NOTHING that focuses the mind and the will more effectively on making needed changes in one's life than by experiencing what is like to be truly hungry, cold, and miserable for days, weeks, and even months on end if that's it takes. Unless there are extenuating circumstances such as mental retardation or serious medical issues, our society does these individuals NO FAVOR by shielding them from the direct consequences of their decisions.

  7. If you got rid of all the bums, OD's and other lowlifes you'd be down to 1 doc and a nurse in that ER of yours. The rest could then hang a shingle and work out of their homes. Al civilized like instead of getting another disease in a health factory.
    Yeah I know it's hard to fit a MRI under the stairs but I never needed one so there's that.

  8. Not hardly.
    They're, at most, maybe 10% of business, even in county (public) hospitals.
    It's worse when it's raining or cold.

    You just get tired of seeing the same ones over and over and over.

    Getting them out of the ER after the first visit would only lighten your tax load and health insurance premiums by thousands of unpaid visits per year. You're paying for her and thousands like her every day and night, whether you know it or not, and have been for decades.

    Oh, and getting rid of her ilk would cut your wait times because she wouldn't be camping for 4-12 hours, blocking a bed. "Buy once, cry once" works for so many things in life.

  9. 90+% of homeless people, aka bums and derelicts, are in that position because they are either batshit crazy or want to live that way. Furthermore they're usually really good at it. They know where to get free food, free clothes, free transportation and even free accommodation if they see the need. They know what and where to steal and how to convert stolen stuff into ready cash and or their intoxicant of choice. Don't feel sorry for them. If they're one of the tiny fraction who through bad luck, poor choices or circumstance ended up on the street and don't want to be there, there are plenty of people and organizations falling over each other to get them a place to stay, hot food and gainful employment. Tossing adult and civilizational responsibilities and living like a parasitic bum has its undeniable appeal especially at low times in many people's lives. When society enables that choice and removes much of the stigma and discomfort of living that way it's not surprising when some people say fuckit it's the bum life for me!

  10. Aesop,
    So only 10% of your ER walkins are drug od's, homeless or other assorted lowlifes? The other 90% are regular taxpayers presenting with an emergency?
    Ain't that a nice hospital to work in.

  11. One unexpected side effect of the bullshit media frenzy about the "opioid epidemic", is that it's easier for me to tell ...uh, folks, that I'm not gonna prescribe them narcotics. I simply tell them "I don't want to contribute to the opioid epidemic". The malsocialized then unmask, and get fired from the practice. The ignorant simply nod as they understand, and move along to the next item on their Christmas List.

    Relevance to your point? When I nursed in ED, some docs would dispense narcopez, simply to get the seekers out of our door, and into somebody else's door. Of course, when you feed the wildlife, they forget how to forage on their own, and become dependent. That also contributes to wait times, waiting room clog, and similar maddening problems. One sort of twisted bright spot in that is that it is sort of amusing that Mrs Suburbanite gets to spend a coupla hours downwind of Jack Homeless, whose last bath was during the Mesozoic era. Tee Hee.

  12. Heard on the radio this morning that the hospital issued an apology. FWIW.

    Mark D

  13. Public kiss-ass boilerplate, while slipping a knife in their staff's back.
    "We're sorry you caught us doing what we had to do."

    Notably, they didn't go out and ask the evicted douchebag to come on back, and next time, she'll be ejected twice as fast, and with even less compassion, because 100:1 I nailed the exact scenario that occurred.

    In comments at Kenny's site, another ER nurse posited the exact same thing, in even greater detail.

  14. The best answer to the "homeless," i.e. reeking derelicts is a bus ticket to Santa Monica, DPRK. The SJWs there have infinite compassion for the legions of useless eaters who comprise a primary constituency of the Evil Party, and the weather is much better suited to outdoor living. _revjen45

  15. Anon at 10:36: way, way, way back in da day, my partner and I used to sit in the ambulance, between runs, and attempt to catalog the souls who spent more time in the back of the truck, than we spent in the front. One suggestion was to form a mutual fund, and every payday, buy a coupla dozen one way tickets on "Spirit airlines" (or whatever cattle car cheapo airline was serving our Metropolis at that time). The losers of the coin toss would rent a u-haul, buy a buncha Goodwill clothing, and make the rounds, collecting some of our frequent flyers. Coupla bottles of Mad Dog and a handful of Onasties Coney Islands later, and our guests, scrubbed off in the quarter car wash, and re dressed in sanitized (no labels) clothes, would be pushed in the general direction of the boarding gate. Once aloft, we'd scrub the u-haul, burn the left over clothing, and scrub ourselves carefully.

    Once The Lost Ones deplaned in where-ever, we'd never see 'em again. All good! My vote was for NYFC, because I figured that the bones would eventually be swept up from beneath some bridge, and no trace would remain.

    So far as I know, never acted upon, simply entertaining firehouse yarns along the lines of "wouldn't it be cool if...."

  16. George,

    The only thing that will help such a person is to be allowed to fully experience all of the consequences of the poor decisions and poor lifestyle choices she has made over the years. Said consequences to include having to sleep outside in winter weather. There is NOTHING that focuses the mind and the will more effectively on making needed changes in one's life than by experiencing what is like to be truly hungry, cold, and miserable for days, weeks, and even months on end if that's it takes. Unless there are extenuating circumstances such as mental retardation or serious medical issues, our society does these individuals NO FAVOR by shielding them from the direct consequences of their decisions.

    COOL! Just like Bangladesh on a bad day....

    I can agree with your statement only if the government is willing to provide make-work as an work, no food. They should at least have a single option other than none at all. Stationary bikes hooked to a generator...output measured, and a required minimum for food/lodging. This was done in the prisons of 18th century Britain(work for food)...concept also used in the Kolyma in Russian Gulags....

  17. Google up Malcolm Gladwell's "Million Dollar Murray"for an accurate look at the street bum lifestyle. It is an eleven page New Yorker article from about twelve years ago. A good description of how our "homeless industry" enables the life....
