Sunday, December 31, 2017


The steam-powered statcounters hereabouts record as many unique pageviews this year alone as in the total of the prior seven years' of active posting, the same story regarding comments, and just shy of a blog record of posts this year alone (which we would have beaten handily, if not overtaken by the lingering December Crud, and a healthy dose not giving a f*** about the Usual Shenanigans by the Usual Suspects). Including a tripling of average number of daily visits, which either means I'm getting this mostly right, or else the NSA data miners have gone off the deep end, and I have a black bag awaiting me on Troublemaker Round Up Day. Perhaps both.

For all those looks, the generous linkage by a number of folks and their blogs, and the comments on our brain droppings, the host of the blog generously thanks one and all responsible. (Excepting the schmuck who keeps trying to spam us from Bangladesh, whose posts go to Spam-blivion.)

A Happy New Year to you all.

We'll try and do better in 2018.


  1. Happy New Year to you as well, Aesop!

  2. I have enjoyed all your postings and look forward to more in 2018. Happy New Year! Keep up the good work. You definitely have a way with words.

  3. Keep'em coming.
    Here's to your health(2oz of Evan Williams Kentucky Bourbon down the gullet)!

  4. Happy New Year to you also.
    Data-miners, hell; if you're not on a list at this point you're doin' it wrong.

  5. No thanks necessary. We owe you, for putting the time and effort into the blog, and making it something that is educational, entertaining, and useful. Please keep up the good work, stay healthy, and have a fantastic 2018!

    G-d Bless!

  6. I miss Kev but your experiences and ideas have always been a welcome read and food for thought. I was born in Jacksonville and lived there through 1984, so those stories resonate the most. Thanks for the writing.

  7. Trouble making is fun. To do it well is an art.
    Please keep offending the right folks.

    Your blog is on my daily read list.


  8. Happy New Year Aesop. Keep on keeping on!

  9. To do more and do it better is something each of us should strive for. The previous year was an unexpected gift in many ways;O hope we used it well. This coming year may or may not be the last opportunity to prepare for what may yet come; or potentially ameliorate if not avoid it.
    I wish for all of us a healthy and productive year and I thank you Aesop for providing useful information and a welcome "stop" in the wasteland.
    Boat Guy

  10. Never get cautious. I got cautious once. It was awful.


  11. I'm usually about 500-700 daily readers. One day I get a count of 30k. What? When did Blogger start using FedGov computers to fudge the numbers? Did they switch to the new Windows? I try not to look at the stats anymore, although they are a Siren call.

  12. Great blog, Aesop. God bless you, sir. Happy New Year!

  13. Happy New Year, Aesop! Hope you have a great year.
