Friday, November 10, 2017

Happy 242nd, Ye Salty Bastards!

From the bottom of my cold, green, amphibious heart, to each and every one of you, wherever you are.

And to those deployed overseas today in harm's way...

kill an extra godless heathen enemy for Chesty!

Oh, and try to remember, Hogs: the candles on the cake get blown out, not up.

Semper Fidelis
Video player selections du jour here at Castle Anthrax:


  1. I was just thinking as I made coffee that all of the Veterans Day calls I would make tomorrow would be for other services (mostly SF). While I work with some young Marines, I've lost touch with my brothers. Thanks for another reminder.
    Boat Guy
    Former Sgt 2111/0846

  2. As I like to say, many great ideas and organizations come from the seat of a bar stool. Happy Birthday to Uncle Sam's Misguided Children!

  3. "U.S. soldier in Niger ambush was bound and apparently executed, villagers say"
    " NIAMEY, Niger — The body of Sgt. La David Johnson, one of four U.S. soldiers killed in an ambush by Islamist militants in Niger last month, was found with his arms tied and a gaping wound at the back of his head, according to two villagers, suggesting that he may have been captured and then executed.

    Adamou Boubacar, a 23-year-old farmer and trader, said some children tending cattle found the remains of the soldier Oct. 6, two days after the attack outside the remote Niger village of Tongo Tongo, which also left five Nigerien soldiers dead. The children notified him.

    When Boubacar went to the location, a bushy area roughly a mile from the ambush site, he saw Johnson’s body lying face down, he said. The back of his head had been smashed by something, possibly a bullet, said Boubacar. The soldier’s wrists were bound with rope, he said, raising the possibility that the militants — whom the Pentagon suspects were affiliated with the Islamic State — seized Johnson during the firefight and held him captive."

  4. What, no 'Stars and Stripes Forever'?

    Come on, man, it's about Sousa!!!
