Thursday, October 26, 2017

Day 25

In response to the follow-up dribble of leads, whispers, rumblings, etc. regarding the ongoing and ceaseless fornication of the Las Vegas Shooting, the following:

1) The investigation, by express design, has been as transparent as mud since the minute the room was breached.

2) Absent serious material evidence beyond the location of the body, the only thing one can intelligently say about Paddock is that he was guilty of being found dead on the scene at the time of the breach. By whose design or purpose, including his own, is impossible to conclude, and whether or not he actually fired any shots, including the last one that went through his mind, is impossible to say, based on what's known outside the official circle.

3) We know Paddock was the only person found in the suite, but we have no idea if any others, nor who, nor how many, may have shared that suite, before, during, or after the shooting, and for up to 5-10 minutes after all shooting inside the room had ceased. I doubt by the day that such knowledge gap is either unintentional or circumstantial. I suspect, based on the preceding, that what is known is something which must be concealed, for any clowncarnucopia range of reasons, some good and prudent, and most malign and derelict, and that therefore TPTB are taking all possible measures to do exactly that.

4) All official statements have had the odor of fish and the taint of stupidity since first burped out.
"Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, three times is enemy action." - Ian Fleming

5) Leaks fall automatically into two types: accidental/unwanted, and deliberate.
And most are of dubious reliability when one cannot know whether they were undesired vs. carefully planned and choreographed.

I detest conspiracies, and theories of same, generally because Occam's Razor leaves them on the cutting room floor, but everything about this, in the relatively brief timespan since the incident beginning at midnight the morning after, screams cover-up and blown operation, rather than a straightforward monstrous crime and investigation. Official incompetence or deliberate obfuscation by the follow-up investigation is the icing on the cake at every turn, and shows no sign of abating anytime in the foreseeable future. And looks, to everyone but the guys inside, exactly like the cow in Top Secret!, or the horse on Craig Ferguson's Late Late Show. And about as convincing as either.

Le Meuoooooooox!

Lying is always a two-fold sin, not only via the injury in telling another person or persons something you know isn't "the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth," but also a compounding of that transgression with an insult, by announcing with the act of telling the lie, that you think the party to whom you tell it is too stupid to detect the falsehood.

And, exactly on the witness stand or in a relationship, once you know you were lied to, you realize you can no longer depend on anything that preceeded or followed the lie. In jury instructions, this is precisely what "falsus in unum, falsus in omnium" means. Dishonesty is exactly like actual bullsh*t in that respect: there is no amount which one may safely bake into the cake if you expect other people to willingly swallow it, once they know it's there.

When it's done as brazenly and clumsily as it has been in this case, it also announces, in turn, the monumental and manifest lack of intelligence, sense, or perception on the part of those who'd tell them.

It's one thing to be told whoppers by a clever man, with the attendant stage wink, to let you know he knows you know he's lying to you; but when they are delivered flat-footed with a deer-in-the-headlights eye-glaze, you know the teller is too stupid to know how stupid he sounds telling them, and earnestly thinks you believe them, and cannot conceive how you would not.

There's a reason there are no blind eye doctors.


  1. I've always said that just about anybody can lie to me on a subject that I know nothing about. But once you lie to me on a subject that I do know something about, I'll never believe anything you tell me, ever again. Or as Grandpa pointed out, on more than one occasion, "There is a limit to how long you can piss on someone's leg, and still convince them that it's raining."

    TPTB have long since passed that point with the general public.

  2. > "It's one thing to be told whoppers by a clever man, [...] but when they are delivered [by a moron who is] too stupid to know how stupid he sounds telling them...."

    This is the bane of my existence when it comes to dealing with people coming into hospital trying to scam narcotics. Apart from the waste of money in so mis-using the Emergency Department, and the waste of my time, couldn't these jerks be plausible, or at least creatively and interestingly stupid?

    First noticed this sort of thing aged 8 or 9, watching the evening news. You'd have the Exalted Minister of Jackassery from some sub-Saharan People's Democratic Republic of Shitholia reciting a ridiculous tale of how $500 million (that was real money back then) in foreign aid went missing, or how a dozen villages ended up torched and all the women and children living therein were gang-raped to death. (It did not help that the Exalted Minister would be wearing a tasteless plaid sportscoat and a necktie with a gigantic knot otherwise only seen on Soviet mouthpieces, but I digress.) Anyway, I remember thinking at such times, "How stupid does that guy think we are? A child could see through your story, and I should know, because I am one!"

    Only years later did I realize that it wasn't that the Exalted Minister necessarily thought we were stupid, but rather that to him and his cronies, he was telling a brilliantly crafted tale that would surely dazzle the world into believing it. It was very disappointing to realize that not only are some people stupider than you think, they are stupider than you can think.

    This is sad to be left with these two choices, but I'd rather that we were being mocked by TPTB on this one, than they are so unbelievably incompetent that this is the best they can do.

  3. Aesop, I appreciate your logic, thoughts, writings. Thanks!

    I work with & witness "stupid" daily. I run a 'public' boat launch on a highly desirable lake. Stupid is just a fact of life. Human condition stuff. Willful Ignorance? The path to Apoplectic for me.

    If it isn't inherently evil, it's surely on the road to same.

    Lies, whether direct or by omission? Evil.

    RSpook: "TPTB have long since passed that point with the general public."

    If I may suggest: TBTB have long since PISSED that point with the general public.


  5. It's disturbing. Been waiting for someone competent to step in, move the incompetent/obstructionist idiots out of the way, and finally set things right.

    That happened with the serial killings in Maryland. Black poh-lees chief kept alerting everyone to "white van" "white van" "white van", not so subtly pointing people to look for a white perpetrator only. Then the FBI took over, in effect if not in the limelight, and it turned out they were two black guys.

    Here, though, FBI seems to be a card-carrying member of the confederacy of dunces (or worse).

  6. LV updates.
    Sleight of hand.

  7. A. - are you suggesting that the LMFs are LMFs and are lying to us because they are LMFs?

  8. MGM paying for Campos to stay in their hotel:
    "Flansburg said Campos has spent most of his time at an MGM property since his name became public, except for several days in Mexico on a pre-planned and company-approved trip to visit family.
    “Following the tragedy, Mr. Campos’ name was publicly released, resulting in extensive and intrusive media attention,” Flansburg said. “Because of the unwanted attention days after the event, MGM Resorts offered Mr. Campos lodging for his privacy and protection, which Mr. Campos accepted and appreciated.”
    MGM Resorts Senior Vice President Alan Feldman also confirmed Thursday that the gaming company has provided accommodations for Campos.
    “When his name became public, Jesus was inundated with media coming to his home,” Feldman said. “Out of concern for our employee’s safety, we provided a room for him. This was a very unusual circumstance, and our first and only concern was his safety.”
    Flansburg said law enforcement officers interviewed Campos at the hospital and approved his trip to Mexico. He has been available to investigators since returning to the country."
    Also, asserts that he is a citizen...
    "Flansburg said Campos, who was born in Southern California before moving to Las Vegas as a teenager, is aware that he will be dealing with the shooting for a long time, but he is anxious to return to his home and attempt to live a normal life."

  9. Campos Mandalay Bay shots fired call audio, seems awfully calm:

  10. And you can hear what sounds like gunfire in the background.
    So, where are the 100 calls from hotel guests reporting the same thing to Mandalay security, and on their cellphones to 9-1-1??
    Where did Campos get the radio which we were told he didn't have immediately after the incident?
    How did somebody fire "200 rounds" at less than 20' range, and miss 199 times?
    Where's the photos of 199 other bullet holes on the 32d floor?

    One answer, another 10 pounds of bullshit, and five more questions.

    Mandalay Bay also had 26 days to create a fake recording (which the report also notes lacks any time stamp) before this one was released. A crippled and retarded 10 year old kid could have made one in that amount of time. So could I. Let alone any one of 10,000 professional sound guys or 50,000 film students they could have bought off by now.

    And "shots fired" would be how the police report this on their radios. What would Senor Mall Cop be doing telling his dispatch "shots fired"? I suspect he'd call in and say "HEY M*****F*****S, THERE'S SOME CRAZY SUMBITCH WITH A MACHINEGUN ON 32, HE JUST UNLOADED 'BOUT 200 BULLETS THROUGH THE DOOR, THERE COULD BE 40 OTHER PEOPLE IN NEARBY ROOMS SHOT TO SHIT RIGHT NOW, I'M HIT, MY LEG'S BLEEDING OUT A BIG-ASS HOLE, I NEED PARAMEDICS NOW, AND YOU BETTER GET THE WHOLE F****** SWAT TEAM HERE FIVE MINUTES AGO! THERE'S A FREAKING WAR GOING ON UP HERE!"

    Not "Hey, by the way, shots fired in 32-135, and how's your night going?"

    So I'm throwing the BS flag on that whole story, and the audio.
    If they'd released it on 10/2, maybe I buy it.
    A month later? No effing way.
