Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Just Another Lie

You can guess my feelings about Speaker Quisling Ryan, and Senate Majority Leader Bitch McConjob.

After suddenly discovering that Pres. Trump can unilaterally turn off DACA with a stroke of his pen, and begin deporting them by the hundreds of thousands the next day, (and that sort of thing upsets their big-money Chamber of Commerce donors a lot) Quisling and Bitch can't seem to hear the cacophonous cries of their constituents screaming at them to
"Build the wall, and lock the damned gate!"
Seems they've really gotten under the skin of columnist Kurt Schlicter at Townhall.com,
"This new axis measures pro- or con- regarding the status quo and the ruling class. So now there are really four political parties stuffed into two political party infrastructures:
  1. Right, pro-establishment (The RINOs)
  2. Right, anti-establishment (The Trump voters)
  3. Left, pro-establishment (Hillary’s snobby urban corporatist jerk corps)
  4. Left, anti-establishment (The Bernie/Warren/Stalin Axis of Venezuela)
            This explains why we see the DC establishment unifying to protect its power and privilege – and holding us normals in utter contempt. Most Democrat senators and Republican senators have much more in common with each other than with us – to the GOP establishment, Trump’s clearly the bigger threat than a counterpart across the aisle. It also explains why you hear about Bernie supporters who went for Trump instead of Felonia von Pantsuit. That’s the fault line – the desire to keep or destroy this monstrous status quo. This new axis will reshape the political parties as their uncomfortable coalitions jockey for control of their respective party’s infrastructure (Yeah, the Dems have big problems too). Hell, it may reshape – violently – our whole country if we aren’t careful.
            The fact is that the establishment doesn’t care about “the Rule of Law” or “principles” – it cares about its own power and maintaining the status quo. So keep that in mind the next time you hear some establishment snob lecturing you on how you are morally obligated not to do anything to advance you own interests because of “principles.”
            It’s all just another lie."

Because any man who can nickname Shrillary "Felonia von Pantsuit" is in the P.J. O'Rourke mold of masterful political commentary.


  1. As a reformed evil corporate lobbyist (did it 20+ years ago, left that gig never to return), I saw the R's and D's as one party. It was an edumacation watching how the congress critters operated. As they say, money talks, bs walks. DC truly is a parliament of whores...

  2. I can't stand that effing liar Ryan. I heard him interviewed by Hannity in Feb PROMISING he had it covered. In 200 days ObamaCare would be repealed/replaced, funding for the wall and tax reform.

    Anyone thinking these assholes are representing us is delusional.
