Saturday, September 30, 2017

Fire And Prosecute Jackbooted Thugs XXX

1 comment:

  1. ascdew@protonmail.comSeptember 30, 2017 at 8:05 AM

    Appreciate you keeping this abuse/lack of punishment up on the net and posting on the lack of accountability!

    Checking yesterday the only updated news I could find on this was dated 9/25 - and it was about the police union complaining about the "premature release" of body cam footage being inappropriate and demoralizing? WTF? Yeah right.

    I fear they will simply wait it out and after things have quieted down, Payne and Tracy will be returned to duty, all pay restored, ridiculous pensions restored with a directive to continue jack-booted thuggery - just make sure all cams are off.

    My uncle was with NVHP up in Reno. He retired many years ago but he told me then that your chances of being treated professionally & legally during an interaction with a cop was 15-20% at best, and this was back in the 90's. I doubt the percentages have improved.

    I am frustrated because if this behavior is not severely punished, then the message sent is, step it up guys, we rule the serfs with impunity.

    You're doing your part, suggestions on what us serfs can do to make sure the "gubmint" knows this isn't going away? I have contacted the police department there and the local paper. Not surprisingly, no response other than a canned one. But I don't live there so I am sure that they don't care.

    I am not anti-cop and I get that they deal with the less than stellar members of our society, but that's the job. The bill of rights still apply and the standards for brandishing/pointing your weapon, discharging your weapon, wounding or killing someone should be the same as those applied to us serfs. Stop - do not pass go. If cops don't like it get another job. My blue line concerns are zero until they get a clue.
