Sunday, September 17, 2017

Fire And Prosecute Jackbooted Thugs XVII


  1. IIRC, you had previously stated that you would continue you "jackbooted thugs" series until the police in general did something, something and something...

    I hope you're prepared to do these literally forever, because they will NEVER willingly relenquish one iota of the "authority" and "power" those shiny pieces of metal represent. We are going to have to TAKE it from them.

  2. I only have enough already done to go until New Year's, or until they refer the SLCPD @$$holes for prosecution.

    This isn't about "power" and "authority", it's about the Rule of Law vs. the Rule of Douchebadged Thugs.

  3. Well Justine Damond was shot in what month? June or July? And they said that investigation MIGHT finish by the end of the year...
