Monday, August 14, 2017

Black Death Matters

No, not the racist douchecanoes, we're talking about the actual Black Death, scourge of Europe in medieval times. Seems it's made a not-very-surprising re-appearance in a couple of AZ counties, per their county's Facedork page posting:
Taylor, AZ – Navajo County Public Health officials have confirmed that fleas collected in the Taylor area have tested positive for Plague (Yersinia pestis).
The tests were conducted by the Center for Pathogen and Microbiome Institute at Northern Arizona University.
NCHD have notified the residents and the burrows, which are located on private property, which will be treated. The area will be closely monitored to determine if further action is required.
Navajo County Health Department is urging the public to take precautions to reduce their risk of exposure to this serious disease, which can be present in fleas, rodents, rabbits and predators that feed upon these animals. The disease can be transmitted to humans and other animals by the bite of an infected flea or by direct contact with an infected animal. To limit possible exposure, people are encouraged to avoid rodent burrows and keep dogs on a leash as required by Arizona State law.
An abundance of active prairie dogs doesn’t indicate disease is present. However, a sudden die-off of prairie dogs and rodents, may be an indicator of plague. Persons noticing a sudden die-off of rodents or rabbits are urged to contact the Navajo County Health Department.
Symptoms of plague in humans generally appear within two to six days following exposure and include the following: fever, chills, headache, weakness, muscle pain, and swollen lymph glands (called “buboes”) in the groin, armpits or limbs. The disease can become septicemic (spreading throughout the bloodstream) and/or pneumonic (affecting the lungs), but is curable with proper antibiotic therapy if diagnosed and treated early.
Persons living, working, camping or visiting in areas where plague and/or rodents are known to be present are urged to take the following precautions to reduce their risk of exposure:
• Do not handle sick or dead animals.
• Prevent pets from roaming loose. Pets can pick up the infected fleas of wild animals, and then pass fleas on to their human owners. This is one of the common ways for humans to contract plague. Cats with plague can also pass the disease on to humans directly thorough respiratory droplets.
• De-flea pets routinely. Contact your veterinarian for specific recommendations.
• Avoid rodent burrows and fleas.
• Use insect repellents when visiting or working in areas where plague might be active or rodents might be present (campers, hikers, woodcutters and hunters).
• Wear rubber gloves and other protection when cleaning and skinning wild animals.
• Do not camp next to rodent burrows and avoid sleeping directly on the ground.
• Be aware that cats are highly susceptible to this disease and while they can get sick from a variety of illnesses, a sick cat (especially one allowed to run at large outside) should receive care by a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment to reduce human exposure to plague.
In case of illness see your physician immediately as treatment with antibiotics is very effective.
More information is available at

Pretty straightforward stuff, as plague is endemic to rodents and fleas in the Southwest, and has been for centuries, making the occasional appearance there from time to time, including in humans. The current outbreak is unremarkable, but noteworthy merely to point out that it's still there, doing what it does.

Unlike in the 1200s, it's easily treatable now with multiple classes of modern antibiotics, which isn't a problem now.
With the grid down, things may be a bit less pleasant, in a quarantine and running-for-your-life sort of way, if you come into contact with a victim.

Nothing to panic about, just some information that's always appropriate.


  1. "Persons noticing a sudden die-off of rodents or rabbits are urged to contact the Navajo County Health Department."

    I'd advise the persons noticing the sudden die-off to at least make a tiny effort to determine whether the die-off is the result of Plague or, alternatively, instantaneous fatal airborne lead poisoning. The first is a problem, the second not so much.

    In all seriousness, thanks for the post - it is nice to be aware of these things.

  2. Hanta virus is another 'pest' carried danger.
    Not being properly prepared when cleaning out rodent nests can do you in as well.

  3. During my time in the 7th ID(Light) at Ft. Ord, in the early 80's, one of our regular training areas was down at Camp Roberts. Routinely had no-go sections due to the futhermuckin California ground squirrel infestations. Plague Rats. As an aside, look into the story on Thieves Oil from the black plague times. We use it. Works as advertised for cold and flu season. We order the ingredients and mix up our own.
