Saturday, September 17, 2016

Purely For Informational Purposes

"Cor, blimey, mates, ain't this a handy little thing!"

Courtesy of a lovely little historical website detailing the training for the British Home Guard, should the Nazis invade, we pass along a couple of absolute informational gems:
A good way of effecting dislocation and interruption of enemy troops is, if you know that they are temporarily resident in a town or a village, to put up some notices stating that the whole population is to report to any public office at some specific time, as there is to be a distribution of free food, etc. etc. You will soon find that a temporary panic amongst the enemy will ensue as they see the whole town or village converging on one spot. This is an ideal time to do any sabotage that may be required.
Of course, by no means should this be undertaken nowadays, with any sort of similar or updated subterfuge, targeting the Free Shit Army, or their gubmint enablers, on agency letterhead. That would be naughty and baaaaaad. So don't do that.

And always keep this fundamental rule in mind:
The main intent of a guerrilla band is the destruction and hindrance of enemy communications and supplies, and not the capturing of any specific objectives. Therefore the more the enemy is harried the more good the final result will be.
An excellent and underutilized piece of vocabulary.

Perhaps it's time to bring it back into fashion.

Be good. Or perhaps, "more good".

And do, by all means, RTWT. Solely for scientific and historical curiosity, of course.


  1. Kick 'em right in the logistics.

  2. It is interesting that the techniques section on knife/bayonet use was blurred out. With the current British PSA blitz of "Turn in your knife. Save a life!" (not making this up), this must have been deleted in the interest of public safety. Right.

    Thanks for including this. More useful material for the sporty times ahead.

    Bill Cthulhu

  3. I'm remembering this for possible future use along with the technique for secret messages in letters used by the Prominenten held in Colditz castle in WW2.
