Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Current College Grads = Functional Morons

It's far worse than you thought:
Nearly 10% of college graduates surveyed in a poll believe Judith Sheindlin, aka "Judge Judy," serves on the Supreme Court.
It also found that almost 60% of college graduates couldn't correctly identify a requirement for ratifying a constitutional amendment and 40% of college graduates didn't know that Congress has the power to declare war.
Additionally, the poll revealed that less than 50% of college graduates surveyed know that presidential impeachments are tried before the U.S. Senate.
         CNN link

Proof, if you needed it, that over 50% of college students shouldn't even be there, and that far more than 50% of college faculty (probably upwards of 80% outside the hard sciences) are incapable of educating anyone on anything, being functional morons themselves, albeit with advanced degrees.

This is stuff that a junior or senior in high school would have been expected to rattle off less than a generation ago, and information not unknown to any number of brighter middle school students.

Apparently, out of pity, they didn't administer the survey in question to actual tenured college faculty, at least not knowingly.

A college diploma has become the ultimate Participation Trophy in the educational Olympics. It got this way because for at least two generations, parents, students, alleged educators, and government busybodies have learned entirely the wrong lesson from the Scarecrow's tale in L. Frank Baum's beloved Wizard Of Oz.

The cost and benefit inflation that's invaded post-secondary education via Big Government has undeniably reached the point where the bubble has to burst; letting government pay for college has merely caused tuition to rise at orders of magnitude faster than outside inflation, saddling students with debt they'll never pay off in most cases, thus legalizing indentured servitude, and provided full employment for a generation of retarded hippies at thousands of unneeded and essentially worthless institutions of non-learning. And the difference between pay-for-play diploma mills and Harvard or Stanford is not really measurable with existing instrumentation. If you or anyone you know is college-bound despite these facts, at least plead with them to get their credits cut-rate, at the local community junior college "13th Grade", rather than buying them retail for upwards of $40K/year. There's no sense whatsoever in buying your BS gold-plated, at full mark-up.

Clearly, sheepskins from anywhere would be more valuable these days if they were printed on actual sheepskin. And the current ones, even from top colleges, would be more useful if they were printed on perforated sheets of Charmin.

But with these results, it's doubtful a plurality of college graduates know what to do with a roll of toilet paper if you handed it to them.


  1. "But with these results, it's doubtful a plurality of college graduates know what to do with a roll of toilet paper if you handed it to them."

    Of course they wouldn't know what to do with that roll of TP-that would require them to be able to find their own ass with only one hand-most couldn't find it with both hands-and explicit instructions.

  2. Father George Rutler who writes at Crisis Magazine is wise and erudite. In a lecture a student asked him, "Father, I hear you saying 'the second World War'. Was there a first one?"

  3. The dumbing-down of our education system is by design and has been in the making for a century or so. I have been amazed at how poorly my grandchildren are being taught, but when I went to school and couldn't figure out something on my own (the teachers being useless beyond their parroting of the lesson guide), I went to my parent's old schoolbooks. Those were a gold mine, too bad Dad gave them to University of Denver (who promptly stashed them in a deep dark cellar somewhere to hide the fact that what they're teaching in college now was once taught in 8th grade or earlier).

  4. You're so right on about the "13th grade". For most kids it's a time for remedial action to teach everything they should have learned in high school but didn't. For my kids, it's a way to avoid insane tuition fees as they get everything for their general education requirements out of the way at a fraction of the cost, then a transfer to a university so they concentrate solely on their chosen major. You're absolutely right on about that - paying 40k yearly for general education classes, a lot of them BS filler classes, is out of the question, at least for thinking families anymore.

  5. We interview hundreds of collage grads every year and most are ignorant. They know nothing about the country or the world. Most have never worked a day in their lives and have no clue. What's worse is most of them believe they are to good and should always start at the top. If what we see is a representative of all of them the country is finished.
