Monday, February 16, 2015

Okay, That Was Annoying


Employment has resumed.
With roughly four times the amount of grief, annoyance, and general PITA fucktardery as I experienced filling out a Top Secret/SCI special background investigation back in the day.

Jeebus crispies!

My generic advice:
Keep your resume updated.
Including all your contacts and references.
Keep 7 copies of every bit of vital certification and testing information, including DNA swabs and urine samples of the personnel administering such testing and certification. It WILL be asked for. Demanded, actually.

Working 18 days straight may give me a heart attack, but at after running around like a headless chicken for a month with no income, in the feast-or-famine sweepstakes, I choose feast.
Especially when a 20% average pay raise is involved.

Oh, and a hearty FU Very Much/ESAD to my former employer, Callous Bastard Hospital.
The last three places I've worked this month are already asking me to fill out permanent status employment apps after seeing me work as temp registry for them for a couple of shifts. It's nice to be popular.

But clearly, you have to run away from home (or be booted out the door in my case) to get any respect.

Normal posting will resume in a week or two.


  1. Congrats on finding a new job-that was quick compared to most fields.
    Looking forward to regular posting returning.

  2. Very glad you had a quick turnaround too.

    It sounds to me like you are going to get the last belly laugh like I did at one outfit I no longer work for, after I left I found out later they had to hire THREE temps to pick up the slack for what I was doing.
    Trust me when I tell you that age discrimination is alive and well in this country.

    As you say, FU very much and ESAD.

    More money is always good too.

  3. Welcome Back!! Glad you landed on your feet, and looking forward to hearing more from you.

  4. Now that you're employed again, does that mean you'll be posting more often?

  5. The Ebola rate is ticking upward again after a winter hiatus.

    It knows you're back.

  6. "Limited airborne transmission of Ebola is ‘very likely,’ new study says"

  7. Limited airborne transmission of Ebola is ‘very likely,’ new analysis says

    Obama lies.

  8. You arent a big fan of yourself are you?

  9. "Scientists at the top-secret military research unit at Porton Down, Wiltshire, have been assessing the potential use of Ebola as a bioterrorism weapon, according to confidential documents.

    A three-page memo, marked ‘UK secret UK eyes only’, reveals that the unit, where chemical, radiological and biological threats are analysed, was tasked with evaluating whether terrorist organisations such as al-Qaida and Islamic State (Isis) could use the deadly virus to attack western targets.

    The three scenarios looked at in the memo are all heavily or completely redacted which makes it impossible to see what exactly they worked on.

  10. Here's Instapundit's take on the above:

    Posted at 8:30 am by Glenn Reynolds

    REMAIN CALM. ALL IS WELL! Top-secret military warning on Ebola biological weapon terror threat.

    Scientists at the top-secret military research unit at Porton Down, Wiltshire, have been assessing the potential use of Ebola as a bioterrorism weapon, according to confidential documents.

    A three-page memo, marked ‘UK secret UK eyes only’, reveals that the unit, where chemical, radiological and biological threats are analysed, was tasked with evaluating whether terrorist organisations such as al-Qaida and Islamic State (Isis) could use the deadly virus to attack western targets.

    The heavily redacted document, which has been released under the Freedom of Information Act, reveals that the unit was asked last October to provide “guidance on the feasibility and potential impact of a non-state actor exploiting the Ebola outbreak in west Africa for bioterrorism”.

    It goes on to explain that non-state actor threat assessments are “provided by the joint terrorism analysis centre”, while threats to “UK deployed forces are provided by defence intelligence”. The memo outlines three possible scenarios under which terrorists might seek to exploit the Ebola outbreak, which so far has killed more than 9,000 people in the three most affected countries, Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia.

    The first scenario outlined is completely redacted, illustrating the acute sensitivity about the issue.

    But bloggers, etc., who worried about this last fall were paranoid wackos.

  11. Congratulations on the new gig.
    I look forward to more of your content.

  12. Aesop, a suggestion. Keep extra certifications. I stay current with ICU so I can float house if needed, and if my ER gig evaporates. Would rather shave head with cheese grater than work med-surg, but options are open. Let my NREMT lapse due to lack of jobs and expense of CEUs; am kicking self now that Obamacare has made all fire depts part timers.

    Geoff and Miles,
    Of course it is aerosolized. Why else would they have us in pressure suits. They just don't want too much of a panic going on. Probs another flare up in summer, as it mutates. After my experience with the East African patient, I've been mulling over what my options are if these pts start walking into my hospital: by the time they're placed in a room, we've all been exposed. I thought we were relatively safe here in BFE due to our distance from metropoli; have been forced to re-think this.
    Aesop, your insights on this would be welcome: what would you do? carry on as usual and wait for the pt's diagnosis, and several days later, find you've exposed your whole family? Bug out? Accept three weeks in the tent in the parking garage? As RN, I'm pretty sure that BorgHealth does not have our interests at heart.

  13. Emergency responders investigate possible Virginia Ebola case.

  14. Hillbillygirl.

    Not disparaging your points (God help you there, seriously) The main point of my post was

    "But bloggers, etc., who worried about this last fall were paranoid wackos."

    Some people here, there and elsewhere made rather pointed remarks regarding Aesop's sanity.

    Now, some serious, nationally read bloggers are starting to see the light.

  15. Not to turn this lovely site into the de facto ebola site, but:
    Additional evidence that BorgHealth doesn't have our interests at heart:
    After she was 'cured' all the talking heads were all, 'oh yay, ebola no problem, she's fine and you people are paranoid,' etc. Go hug the president now. Not hardly. People who 'recover' in Africa reportedly having similar problems with progressive long term loss of motor control and loss of vision among other things.

    Kaci Hickox and Douchbag Doctor now in NEJM criticizing what they call 'fearmongering.'

    I am sad that anyone disparaged Aesop's sanity; I must've missed that. But don't people usually do that to the person who points out the emperor's lack of clothes? Incidentally, the link to another of his recommended blogs isn't accessible from the raconteur homepage. I found it elsewhere, and the stories are hysterical. Must go see for some great yarns. Aesop, pls fix the link. More people need to read this guy.

  16. aaannnnd this just in: Sierra Leone's VP in quarantine.

  17. O Raconteur where art thou? Must...have...snark...

  18. Working many shifts, like 5-days-of-12-hour-buttkicking-nights-in-a-row.

    And in my ample spare time, I'm working on getting perpetual gigaspeed home internet, at which point I'll be back to my former regular posting regimen of way too much.
