Monday, November 10, 2014

Ebola Update 11/10

The latest WHO numbers are up on Wiki: Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone are now "officially" reporting 20, 35, and 60+ (respectively) new cases/day over the last 8 days.
So call it 100+ new victims, daily, or more every week than the worldwide total in the beginning of July - when this brushfire was already totally out of control.

The only thing we know from that is that people aren't going to the Ebola treatment centers, which isn't at all the same thing as saying that people aren't spreading the disease. The chickens there seem to have realized that the centers don't "treat" anything, they merely remove one from their family and friends to die alone, and they seem to be averse to that mode of government-run healthcare.
Which explains why the disease is exploding in Sierra Leone now, and will be shortly in Liberia (if it isn't already) in 10-21 days. As the number of native inhabitants in either country who can count (in a way the phrase is used in Western civilization) is something around 35%, whether we'll know beforehand is anyone's guess.

FYI, subtracting the known dead and presumed survivors from the current case count, and looking at the available bed count, leads to the inescapable conclusion that there are at least 4000-5000 known EVD victims still walking around in those three societies every day.
This is not a recipe for any sort of optimism.


NYTimes confirms that Dr. Doofus will be released shortly, Ebola-free, with no further US cases active at the moment.


In a Romper Room update, MiMi Crybaby and her sidekick Mangina plan to flee their former home precincts, because apparently they've been mentally scarred for life by the unconscionable response of the local Maine rural denizens to having someone with the professional ethics of the spiritual love child of Bill Clinton and Typhoid Mary living amongst them. Reportedly, certain suggestions and anonymous messages have made continued residence there a less-than-pleasant thing to contemplate. Boo frickin' hoo.

This decision tree was apparently not helped by the local college of nursing throwing Mangina out on his ass in the meantime. Perhaps he can find a better career fit in either the retail clerical or custodial/janitorial fields of occupational endeavor. (One suspects UT-Arlington will probably start quietly excising Mimi's graduate bio splash pages rather circumspectly in future days as well. "We train bigger jackholes" is probably not a good recruiting strategy in Texas, or anywhere else.)

Best of luck to those two, as any place they land will probably not take to them any better, from Georgetown D.C. to Timbuktu. But here's hoping Mangina gets a vasectomy before they manage to breed any more selfish little whiny bastards. Even the CDC is oversubscribed in that respect.


And now, the media have taken to reporting the end of quarantines a week in advance:
(Reuters) - Mali is preparing to release 108 people from Ebola quarantine in a tentative step toward declaring it has contained an outbreak.Mali became the sixth West African country to report a case of Ebola when a 2-year-old girl died last month, leading to an urgent search for anyone who may have been infected during her 1,200-km bus trip from Guinea to the Malian town of Kayes.
The Malian Ministry of Health is expected to confirm later on Monday that 29 people who may have had contact with her during a two-hour stopover in Bamako, along with 12 people in Kayes, can be released from a 21-day quarantine on Tuesday.
A further 67 contacts, including three relatives who traveled with her and 33 healthcare workers, are due to be given the all clear on Saturday.

While we're happy if Mali manages to stop Ebola faster than potato chips, at just one, this news story now leads to the inescapable conclusion about this whole story phenomenon, exactly as noted before hereabouts:

The Seven stages of Ebola Reporting:

1. What Ebola?
3. Don't Worry, the Government has TOP. MEN. on the case.
4. The TOP. MEN. Are Idiots! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!
5. Ebola is killing everyone handy in droves, but they're mostly "just Africans".
6. Continued Ebola Stories upset the editorial bias and the entrenched bureaucracy.
7. What Ebola?

Don't worry though. Just like with future terrorism incidents, our first line of defense is the crack minions of vigilance at the TSA.

Duncan v2.0? Ha!
What Could Possibly Go Wrong?(tm)


  1. My guess is that we get Duncan v2.0 inside of a month.
    Other than CDC stockpiling PPE nothing much seems to be taking place in the way of training nurses,EMT's firefighters,and police.

    The supposedly top of the line Cleveland Clinic has still not provided training for their nursing staff-other than the "use the same PPE as you would for C.diff or seasonal influenza" BS.
    The nursing staff is not all that happy with said advice,and it's a given that they will walk.

    With the Cleveland Clinic being supposedly one of the best hospitals in the U.S.-if they are not providing training,it's doubtful that smaller hospitals are doing much in the way of training.

    Because of this-when Duncan v2.0 arrives,it's not going to end with only 2 infected.

    It's also likely that a Dr Douchenozzle v 2.0 is on the way sooner,rather than later,along with another nurse MiMi.

  2. Your page seems to be getting that special alphabet agency blocking last few days. Wll only load maybe 1 out of 10 times. Everything else loads fine... Blogspot=google hosting. Not likely there is a technical problem getting the message thru

  3. I haven't had any site access problems.

  4. Gamegetter, as ER RN in small podunk hospital, also in Oh, I can attest that our 'training' consisted of 15 minutes of donning and doffing the same PAPER gowns we wear for Cdiff and MRSA isolation, with the addition of shoe covers and a little plastic shield on the mask that makes your glasses fog up. No pressure suit, no bonnet. On the floors, you'd have some warning and be able to walk; in the triage box or main ER, you're already exposed before anyone suspects anything. My only consolation is our rural-ness.
    And btw, policy is that anyone refusing an unsafe assignment is immediately fired and charged with 'abandonment,' even if they never accepted the assignment in the first place. Because of these fun policies, we're forced to accept eight patients each in the ER. I can only assume these policies would apply to inadequate 'protocols,' as well. Jennifer

  5. No intelligent play goes unpunished in the perennial stupidity which is soccer.

  6. You get what you pay for with Chinese medicine:

    "The sixth Sierra Leonean doctor has tested positive for Ebola. 44-year-old Martin Sallia is a surgeon specialist at the country’s main referral hospital, Connaught in Freetown. He had tested negative on Friday at a Chinese-run lab at Jui. However after persistent signs of the disease his test was rerun at an Italian-run lab at Lakka and returned a positive result."

  7. Third person from Ohio-Land here.
    No medical background, I work at a lumberyard.

    Since Buy A Gun, I mean, Election Day, is over, gas prices are rising again, and if there is another Ebola patient, I imagine it'll be blamed on The Stupid Party somehow running Congress.

    Not that I'm a fan of either team of monkeys. The ones with the Elephant logo were who I used to associate myself with...

    I find myself fondly imagining that Duncan 2.0 or Doctor Dippy touches down in the Dee Cee area to vacation for a couple months.

  8. Hillbillygirl G

    8 patients for one nurse is insanity.
    The nurses at the Cleveland Clinic get 5 at most,with an occasional exception when short staffed.
    My sister tells me 5 patients are hard to take care of on the floors-with all the shit they have to enter into the computers.

    I would bet money that Cleveland Clinic nurses walk if they get an Ebola patient,and do not have the proper PPE.
