Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Meme Failures: Grand Master Level

h/t Peter at Bayou Renaissance Man

We hereby institute the Biff Tannen 'Make Like A Tree' Award for egregiously stupid failed attempts at humor and/or memery. This is our first winner.

The person who bought this abortion, and photographed it and posted it to the internet (probably the same dipshit)  where BRM found it, just advertised to the universe:

a) Their gullibility for buying such a piece of codswallop

b) The fact they never saw the movies

c) Their utter cluelessness

d) Their overweening desperate desire to be geek hipsters, even burning money in the attempt, but without investing the five seconds of time needed to earn actual cred.

Dr. Sheldon Cooper would mock them for hours.

The colloquial title for such an ostentatious display of such a Grand Slam of Fail is "fucktard".

Well-played, Loser: Grand Master Class.

And to whatever gross ignoramus makes that toilet lid/decal:

 major cluebat.

Here's another even geekier one, and it's been floating around out there for four years. 

Write this on your hand with a Sharpie:

C=H+T : Comedy Requires Humor + Truth

Botch either one and you're just another unfunny goober.

Like the Internet needs more of those.


  1. Guess you never saw Luke Skywalker shoot his blaster, nor Q-gon in the Phantom Menace into Lord Sidious then? Let alone the blasters of the various fighters the Jedi flew into combat?

    While they strongly preferred the light saber and the force, they used blasters.

  2. Michael,

    It was a short post. Kindly quote the portion where I suggested or said outright that Jedi never used blasters.

    Failing in that assignment, as you inevitably must, please, stop showing off your lack of reading comprehension. You're once again missing the actual point, and living up to all my expectations.

  3. The rest of the time, however, especially in the Death Star (original episode) the stormtroopers couldn't shoot for shit.

  4. Practical marksmanship waxed and waned from scene to scene according to the needs of the plot.

    But if given the choice of believing the toilet seat memetard, or Obi Wan's direct quote, I'm going with the last Jedi master getting it right.

  5. If you'd try reading the posts as written, instead of finding fault with things never said in them, you'd get a much more harmonious outcome.
    "Ready. Fire! Aim." probably isn't the best way to go through life.

  6. And Leftists would be sitting down, so they'd never see it.

  7. Aesop, I think you should give Michael his money back.

  8. I think Aesop should reply to Michael in Yoda-speak from now on- such as "Inevitably failing, assignment you must" or "Actual point, again you are missing".... I mean, Loves Yoda everyone it seems, perhaps happy him make it would.

    Delta Mike

  9. Hope you don't mind this OT, but this made my day: https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/sig-sauer-shows-off-p365-pistol-armed-aerial-drone
    I'm not into semi-autos, but as engineering technology goes, this is very cool...
