Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Kicking And Screaming

Sic semper communists. Ten cents of justice while you wait.
And your final word will be "Ow!"

It doesn't matter what stories I look at when they all amount to the same thing:
The Usual @$$holes are fighting tooth and nail to stop the dawning of reality and the return of gravity to everyday life. The pendulum has swung, the music has stopped, and they want to throw down to get that last chair they were left without a year and more ago.

Item: Everybody from Bitch McConjob and Deep State undercover cronies at the White House are about to shit kittens at the likely prospect of non-establishment crony Moore becoming AL's next senator. Hint: Get over it, jackholes. You undermine that election, and you're one step from a tumbrel and guillotine, and I'm not speaking rhetorically. I'm talking you undo a democratic election, and you'll get beheaded, and deservedly so. See if folks are kidding around about that shit any more.

Item: Hollywood is now trying to Cloward-Piven Harvey Weinstein et al by ladling every silly-ass hysterical accusation into the sausage machine, and trying to make them all co-equal.
No, Fucktards, it doesn't work that way. Rapists like Roman Polanski have been your darlings for decades. Now, your chickens have come home to roost with Weinswine.

And your duplicity, and milking that cash cow has tarred all your liberal jackhole political hacks as well.
Lie down with dogs, rise up with fleas.
Once again, not just rhetorical.

Item: Total waste-of-skin-and-oxygen Jeffie Sessions is finding out that actual representatives of their constituents in the House and Senate expect him to, y'know, start investigating the 50,000 felonies committed for a decade or three by Crown Princess Felonia von Pantsuit and the Clinton Crime Family Foundation. If he recuses himself one more time, he's liable to get impeached right out of a job, because he's neither protected, nor untouchably black, unlike the HopeyDopey-era predecessors, so he can either $#!^, or be evicted from the pot, but he's going to find out there's no third option in the post of AG.

Item: The gun banners are finding out no one's buying their swill, no matter what happens. But that if they keep pushing that so-30-years-ago narrative, they're going to get all the guns, in about fifteen minutes, bullets first. In the face. And then we're coming after your families.

Item: And the Useful Idiots of Street Theatre keep trying to bootstrap their lunacy into meaning anything, but what they're sliding towards is getting the comeuppance they so richly deserved, in a Moldylocks-face-punch sort of way, if not full-on street justice circa Hue during Tet.
Personally, I'm pulling for the latter, and at last count, I only see about 100M souls similarly inclined.

In a song that's coming rapidly to the last verse, the Leftards had better leave the stage quietly, and take their lumps, or they're going to find out when you tip over the peaceful change cart, and upgrade to the violent transition exclamation point of most banana republics, you're graduating from former guest to next course on the menu, especially when you haven't got the chips for playing at that table.

Ammunition: it's not just a hobby anymore.
Buy early, and buy often.


  1. I think most of us on the right follow a policy of "Don't start nothing, won't be nothing", but the first part of that is operative, and the converse is also true: start something and there WILL be something. Or to channel the late lamented Jeff Cooper, they're liable to find themselves on the receiving end of more violence than they can safely enjoy.

    This, of course, is exactly why gun banning is a cornerstone of Leftist policy, once the citizenry are disarmed the PTB can accomplish whatever they wish without interference. They don't seem to realize that banning doesn't make them go away, just makes the possession unlawful, and that enforcing the ban requires confiscation which is likely to get sporty.

    Mark D

  2. whomever wrote it was drinking rye

  3. "In a song that's coming rapidly to the last verse, the Leftards had better leave the stage quietly, and take their lumps, or they're going to find out when you tip over the peaceful change cart, and upgrade to the violent transition exclamation point of most banana republics, you're graduating from former guest to next course on the menu, especially when you haven't got the chips for playing at that table."
    Aesop, they think that they OWN the stage, so they don't want to leave.

    If they leave, Trump gets a lot of his agenda through, and at least the immigration and business end of things will WORK, thus completely undercutting the Leftist agenda for the past 2-3 generations. So they CAN'T leave, EVER.

    Thus, as you said, ammunition isn't just a hobby anymore. This WILL come to a head, it is only a question of when and under what circumstances ("where?" doesn't matter much, as once it starts, the answer to the question is "everywhere").

  4. One thing that's of some concern to us, and should be frightening as hell to them, is that once the genie escapes the bottle it will not end until we say it's over.

    There is more than enough surplus anger to cover settling a whole lot of scores; resolving 40+ years of abuse won't be accomplished in a weekend.

  5. Yes verily. There's a whole lot of anger gonna get "expressed" once the party starts.
    I'm worried as to what comes out the back side of this. We at least have an example to follow; more'n our ancestors did 240-some years ago.
    Boat Guy

  6. I am impressed. I had to look up at least several words in this post to find their meaning. Just a dumb old paramedic with an English/Pre-med degree and 11 novels under my belt...

  7. Aesop,

    This essay states everything I believe, EVERYTHING ! You are just so more "eloquent" and all-encompassing than I could ever be. Thanks for allowing me to recognize I am not the only one out here despising the antics of the D.C. elites.

  8. Excellent work as always, Aesop.

    So Jeffie mah boy:

    "I don't think the threshold has been met for an appointment of special counsel"

    2-3 regular ole prosecutors ought to do just fine. More'n if'n they need help, like...

    And a mop bucket with lotsa disinfectant for that filthy DOJ of yours. Lead by example. IF you don't want to do Your job, at least do something useful...
