Saturday, January 22, 2022

No Mercy


TPTB are losing any control of the narrative. You can smell the fear.


  1. Hehehe, you can, can't you?
    The walkbacks are starting.
    Well now, that's not exactly what I said...

    Burn em. Burn em all. Slowly, with chemicals.

  2. Yeah... It's kind of like watching a bad scene unfold knowing that you can't stop it... Where's my popcorn? A good horror show is entertaining!

  3. The local radio station was running regular "get the vaxx!" advertisements, every day, up until maybe a month ago. In the last two weeks, I haven't heard a single one.

    Even the ones on TV seem increasingly perfunctory.

  4. Rosie is a short distant neighbor. Worked for the Douglas plant in Tulsa during the war. As far as I know she is still alive. Would like to visit with her to get her take on all this bullshit.

    Gonna start watching re-runs of Lone Wolf McQuade.

    1. I can assure you, the place has gone to hell. The new renters are sporting the most appropriate “Blue” colors of the communists, the DIEvarsity is in full swing, I will never set foot on an airplane with parts made in this country.
      Ol Chuck, him n Mel seem to be the only doods who can switch that supercharger on/off at will. 🤦‍♂️


  5. In a desperate attempt to maintain control, I fear them pushing for war with Russia is their response.

  6. Gotta wonder if the fear will make them cower or lash out. I'd prefer the former.
    Boat Guy

  7. But the .gov may be preparing to unleash another virus, worse this time, just to be able to say "See what happens when we listened to those anti-vax idiots."
    They have to transition to some other crisis that will allow them to steal the next election in a less obvious way, or like Hillary said, "we'll all hang."
    John in Indy

  8. You can smell it, eh?

    What does it smell like?

    If it goes on long enough, it'll smell like victory.

    Our biggest mistake, though - will be to let up, at all.

    If anything, now is the time to DOUBLE DOWN.

  9. I'd love to smell it, but my sense of smell died last month with the cov.

  10. Yup, even the Leftist mouthpieces are bailing . . . the 'Rona is entering final phases, but the economic and social destruction will remain.

  11. I'm curious to hear what you - Mr. Aesop - as well as your readership think;
    Are we actually winning, or is this a fakeout to get us to calm down, stop the protests, settle down, drop our guard; gave us a false sense of security, and soften us up / distract us for the enemy to come and hit us harder and even worse sometime soon....???

    What do you think?

  12. Any chance you could track down the source of this Canadian version of Let's Go Brandon and make it go viral: 'TRUCK FOODEAU'? It was in a comment section about the trucker convoys heading to Ottowa.
