In their frothing-at-the-mouth haste to install the cognitively impaired pretender on the throne, apparently a lot of incoming freshman classes and briefings got skipped in favor of naptime for Gropey Dopey. And obviously, at the ones he did attend, and managed to stay awake all the way through, he ate the crayons.
That, plus his burgeoning and fulminant Alzheimer's has His Fraudlency a wee bit confused, let alone not up to speed, regarding certain realities.
So before we get to nuts and bolts, a wee historical reminder is in order.
It doesn't take F-15s and nukes to overthrow the government. (As we've seen in plain sight in the last few months, all it takes is taking control of voting machines in a few key states, and the cheerful support of a sycophantic media. But I digress.) Though Gropey Dopey's not quite old enough to have seen it, but well past the age to forget ever learning it, when last I looked, all it took John Wilkes Booth to overthrow the government was a single-shot derringer, and flawless shot placement. One trigger pull un-elected the 16th president from his second term barely more than a month into it, and transitioned him to Eternity at the speed of gunpowder.
Regime change kit, circa April 1865. Unit cost substantially less than an F-15C, or a W-80 nuclear weapon. Still 100% effective. |
I'm pretty sure everyone actually elected to the presidency since 1865 is aware of that fact.
John Hinckley nearly pulled off the same stunt in 1981, with a .22 revolver.
Someone should tell Gropey Dopey.
{Nota bene, Secret Service and all three-letter federal agency minions: I am not saying I'd ever do anything like that, nor even remotely suggesting anyone else ought to do so either. I'm simply pointing out historical facts. And besides, there are federal laws against that sort of thing, right? So go back to your usual business of lying in sworn affidavits, faking dossiers, banging hookers on the taxpayers' time, and instigating insurrections, and leave the rest of us alone, what say.}
Nonetheless, the fact that anyone, even someone so obviously fraudulently placed in the Oval Office, is talking openly about using the Air Force and nuclear weapons against the US civil population should be somewhat disconcerting, even to the braindead communist propaganda-merchant "journalists" giving Gropey Dopey his daily tongue bath at press conferences.
But with a certifiable loon, who couldn't be trusted with a set of car keys, let alone nuclear launch codes, spouting every random musing that flits through his swiss cheese husk of a mind, don't be surprised if any potential insurrection is deliberately started in places like NYFC, DC, Hollywood, etc., in the fervent hopes that Secret Service codename Dingbat pops a few well-placed nukes on his own talent pool, because he's that crazy and senile.
Just spitballing, but if Biden nuked just those three cities, he could sew up re-election in 2024, and this time be assured that those were actual votes from actual people, for a change. Hell, under those conditions, I might even vote for him.
But as thorn-in-the-side-in-chief Kurt Schlichter (h/t WRSA) pointed out in response to such fevered delusional musings, FedGov hasn't got enough military might to secure DC, let alone 50 states and the District of Columbia, for more than about 15 minutes, if even a small percentage of the populace refuses consent to same.
Not only would any such conflict end after the first volley and counter-volley, but about 95% of all those F-15s he thinks he can whistle up sit within rifle range of the perimeter fence line, and deep in the Red Zone, from coast to coast. 100% of their logistics chain goes through what would be insurgent territory. Most of their families live there too. They'd be out of gas, spare parts, and pilots by Noon Tuesday of a Monday morning war, and there's no guarantee a given number of them wouldn't divert and drop on base HQ and then the White House, starting right after takeoff on the first mission.
Again, just spitballing, but in any civil uprising, 99:1 even the Marine Corps White House guards would walk back to the Marine Barracks at 8th and I, and watch things unfold on TV rather than pick a side. I'll put cash money down that every installation and unit commander from Maine to Guam would order all troops to stand down, and lock the base gates, with all troops inside, before they'd respond to any insurrection. Anybody thinking of responding would have to know their odds of taking a 9mm to the back of the head would be something in the high 90th percentile, from the outset. Unless they intended to breach the gates to facilitate the coup.
You can bet all the transfabulous troops would be wetting themselves under their bunks, and a lot of PC generals would suddenly put in retirement papers rather than eat their guns, because those chickenshits are not that brave.
So be careful what you wish for, Gropey.
You've done nothing but shit on the military for five months (actually, for 40 years, but why quibble?), and you're betting they'll back you to the hilt during a constitutional crisis discussed by force of arms?
Sh'yeah, right. That'd happen. When monkeys fly outta my butt.
The mere suggestion would have people rolling in the aisles.
At a meeting of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
So it may be high time for Dingbat's handlers to get the hook ready for the next press conference Q and A, and go back to putting Dopey down for naptime every day at about 10AM, like they did during the campaign.
Because the more they let him talk about this, the sooner folks may realize how poor his chances of defense under such circumstances are, and then somebody's going to decide that the lemon is worth the squeeze.
Whatever else is true, whenever things go all weapons-free on the home turf of any member of the Nuclear Club, 8 other countries all unsnap the strap on their nuclear holsters, and things start going pear-shaped.
And somebody might decide it's time to step up to the plate, grab Scalia's pillow, and make a mid-morning stop in the Lincoln Bedroom, to cut to the head of the line.
Paging Sen. Kneepads to the White House courtesy phone... |
Sporky Time: possibly only one pillow away.