Saturday, March 21, 2020

RIP Kenny Rogers

At home in GA, at 81, of natural causes.
But in his final words I found an ace that I could keep.


  1. I remember singing his songs to impress a hot chick as a young teenager. Julie was a fox and I thought his songs sounded good in my voice...
    RIP Kenny Rogers.

  2. He actually died in Atlanta. He sold his place in Colbert a while back. I drive right by it every day on my way to work.

  3. Ok hoping not an omen. Time to foldem? Time to walk away?

  4. damn! He had a good run. we all should be so blessed.

  5. My song when I was hanging up 15 years of military service in '79. Never regretted it. Still stop to listen to the song when it plays. Great artist. RIP.
