Wednesday, March 21, 2018

"Help! Help! We're Being Repressed!"



  1. They tried to build a short suspension bridge across this arroyo, about thirty feet. Out of Four inch PVC pipe.
    I am an old plumber, but that is just about the most retarded shite I have encountered in awhile.

    My neighbor, the carpenter, build a treehouse. That worked out OK.

  2. Girls, your prime years of fertility (and looks) are from your late teens to mid 20s. You can spend that time either having a family and making babies as nature intended or you can spend it in college learning to build substandard bridges and chasing a career. You can learn to build those bridges and then spend your 30s desperately trying to attract a suitable mate with your dwindling looks and fertility. By the time you find someone to wife you up before you hit the wall, your fertility has fallen off the cliff and the child you have, likely with medical assistance and much heartache, has a greater chance of being substandard.

    Nature, like gravity, will not be mocked ladies. Choose wisely.

  3. Some of the sharpest engineers (CIV-E's and MatSci-E's) came out of Clarkson in the early 70's were women, when they had to fight with elbows and knees to get out of there with the degree. They went there KNOWING we were a male dominated Engineering and Ice Hockey school (not necessarily in that order) and they FOUGHT with the guys in classes....

    One of my lady friends went from CCT to Bell Labs and became THE go to person in the world for CARBON of all things...

    'Course my entry class wasn't more than a couple years out from the Blue Box/Capt Crunch phone scandals and we had 25 women in the entry class of 500....

    And the guys involved in Blue Boxes were campus DOERS and LEADERS....
    (Just not openly ACKNOWLEDGED is all) ahem.
